Paper Craft

Hopefully youu all are fine and doing well. It is first time that i am participating in @Hivediy . I am not experienced in papercraft but i tried my well. I hope that you will like it.

It was not time taken for experts but it was not easy for me beacuse it was firat time that i was making some crafts by paper


Some newspaper
A tape
Blue , White, Green ,Red poster colour
A little piece of thread



First of all i took a piece of new paper . I cut it out into 8 equal pieces in the shape of squares.

The I made the stick type structure by wraping that news paper and cut its egdes. Now it was looking like a think and small stick of paper . I have shared the picture below of that single stick.

Then I made the 8 sticks in the same size . I made these sticks in the same way .

Then I made a square shape with the help of 4 sticks. I made two squres .

Then i cloured these squares with poster paint . I coloured these two squres made by sticks white. I coloured tem step by step .

Then i started to cut the flowers of news paper. I took a small square of news paper and fold it in a specific way then i cut it into a flower

Then I folded the petals of the flower with the help of seezer.

Then i coloured the flower with blue poster paint. It was looking acceptable.

I made 8 simillar flowers and coloured them blue.

Then i joined the both squares in a sequence and attached the flowers on the corners of the squares .

Then i attached the 8 flowers on the 8 corners of the squares . I attach a tgread on the top corner of square . Now it was almost comoleted

I hang it in my drawing room it was lookin nice . Here O shared the final look.

I hope you will like it. I will come back soon with a new paper craft or any ither new post Insh Allah.
Thank you so much for giving me a chance.
Allah Hafiz

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