sequence 1: draw flowers

Hello all my beloved friends, how are you today, I hope you are fine and happy with your family.

This time I want to try to make something easy for me to improve and learn to draw.

Maybe some people draw something that is easy and very skilled, I want to learn slowly so I can share all my drawings later in my beloved community.

This is my first order of pictures, I chose the floral theme, For women, flowers are the most liked images, including myself.

Drawing process

The materials I use : 1. Paper 1 sheet 2. Pencil 3. Marker pens 5. Colored pencils 6. Eraser

First, I draw a blank piece of paper with 4 round circles, it can be up to you at home, which one you want

Then draw the flowers one by one, drag them from the circle and you shape them like flowers

This is what the drawing looks like in pencil

Then use a marker pen and draw on a pencil so that the color appears a little and the lines appear more visible

Draw fine lines inside the flower image

Here I use orange in the middle

This is the final result of my drawing, even though it's not special but my nephew likes it.

That's all I can share in my post this time, I hope to see you again with my friends in my next post... I hope your support will continue to be there for us..

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