A Temporary Second Bathroom.

So this was a bit of a project I completed recently, though it took a while to complete it was basically split into two parts with a bit of a time gap in between.

A small house was in needed of a second bathroom but there was minimal if next no money available to engage expensive contractors or builders.
I had some leave available through work so I thought I would step up and have a go. I nice little challenge. Over the years I have had a fair bit of renovating experience and my main job involves a lot of building and construction too.

This place was pretty old so I had to do a fair bit of research to find out what I might come up against and what was needed. Luckily we have a lot of friends and work mates that help steer me in the right direction.

The first part was to dig up and expose the pipe work to see what I need to do to move things around a bit. The first hurdle was the storm water drain was going right through and over the top of the pipes I needed to get at.

I needed a bit of help at this point as there is a fair bit evolved with getting the plumbing right, connecting the new plastic pipes to the old urban ware clay pipes, s traps, air vents and overflows. We ended up just cutting the storm water out of the way and reconnecting it afterwards.

The relocation of the laundry sink and a new S trap to catch any rubbish that goes down the drain and act as an airlock to stop any smell coming back up through the piping system.

The new layout, small and tight but still functional.

Instead of cutting and digging into the concrete floor, we decide to raise the shower and install the drain out the wall just like the toilet pipe on the left.

A bit of concrete to help protect the pipes.

Next was the shower, I had a pile of old timbers and some aluminum camping poles at home which made frame work.

I also had some fibro sheeting in my shed. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Next was the tiling. I did not have to buy any tiles just visited a few friend and got what ever they had spare. I was able to pick up some feature tiles from a second hand shop, though I did need to buy the tile glue and grout.

Finally it was all starting to come together. I just plumbed the toilet and shower with flexible hoses from the existing plumbing. Not the prettiest job but cheap and functional for the time being.

I few cable ties on a shower curtains and this little old outside laundry room now doubles as a second bathroom.

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