By trial and error attempts I damaged my industrial sewing Machine, DIY projects that went wrong.

As much as I love to do a lot of things by myself, this major damage has taught me a lesson in my life. It was in this period of my life exactly a year ago when I had to relocate from my parents house into my own apartment. I needed to move all of my belongings, including these machines that the funds from #hive have helped me acquire, to aid in the establishment of a fashion business. Relocating the machines required that I dismantle all the parts in order to make it easy for carrying.


I did remove the head and unscrew all the parts. Upon getting to my new place, I was meant to call an engineer to assist me with the assembly, but I was worried about the extra money I would be paying for whoever was coming. This is a home service repair, and it cost more compared to if I carried the machine to the engineered workshop.

I went ahead to assemble the machine myself, forgetting the arrangements and where certain screws should be. Even after several attempts at using the machine's manual, I still didn't get it right.


The head here has refused to rotate, and besides, I have an oil leakage at the bottom; the machine's oil won't stop leaking from underneath.
An attempt to run the machine causes a spark that, till date, I have been unable to fix.

If you have noticed, I have been using this manual machine for my sewing work.


The cost of repair for the industrial machine has tripled, plus the additional damage from the spark, of which I can't tell whether a serious wire has gotten burned. I still fear for what would have now become the outcome of the machine whenever I finally settle down to fix it. The DIY attempts seriously went sour, and I did more harm than good here.

Since then I have one other faulty machine here and have never attempted a repair, but waiting for the engineer to come do his job


We had so many engineers in my home while we were growing up as kids; we all attempted to fix every torch light, radio, and most especially our DVD and CD players.

Some diy errors and damages can be reworked, while others cause total damage where the material or machines worked on can be saved no more.

While in my fashion training, I remember all the series of fabrics I had damaged and ended up discarding them. Most of the outfits I sew during my training periods are absolutely not wearable for anyone. No wonder they often ask us to cut and sew paper first just to check for fit before transferring the paper pattern to our expensive fabric.


Check out this DIY dress I had made for quite a while now. Going back to rework this dress has remained a pain in my neck. It entails that I will loosen out all the stitches, recut, and then resew everything all over again.


It was among the first sets of corset outfits. I have ever seen there are a lot of things wrong with the dress, from the paper pattern to the entire dress.
I started with making the paper patterns here.

Then place the pattern on the fabric and cut.


Here the fabric was strechy, adding extra allowances that weren't needed.


The stitching equally had some flop.
The only way to salvage the dress is to open it up and rework it, but time is limited for me, so projects like this often stay abandoned for quite a while until I get some holiday and free time to work on them all over again.
I do have lots of other unfinished diy

Not every DIY projects goes on perfectly and it will be only fair for us to talk about our imperfections and be guided in some areas rather than attempt a lot of repairs by ourselves causing more damage rather as against what we desire, I hope that someone can learn from my mistake and not attempt to cause more damage to some expensive machines.

This is my submission to the #mayinleo and I'm using this medium to invite my friends of diyhub to come and participate in this prompt with a lot of interesting topics via this link

All images are mine

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