Lira the dark 🕶️ | Drawing

hello guys I am here again in this community that after a very long time as last few weeks I was quite busy and I didn't post very much in this platform but today was quite free day for me as it is weekend so I tried or give an effort to make something for this splinterland art contest I choose this character due to its dark bold and energetic looks which attract me and I hope you guys would like this like always don't forget to give your suggestion below.


Now let's get start with the process of how I did this piece of art.

  • In first step with the help of a lead pencil create full sketch you can use any other removable pencil so in case you do anything wrong you can easily removed dispatch with eraser to elder the original shape.
  • Like always in colouring are used light colours first so hair I used equal amount of yellow red and blue to create brown colour and then add 80% white to make a perfect going skin colour.

  • As from the character which include the term dark so it is supposed to be wear dark costume as well as her hairs are also dark.

  • Now add other details like her earrings the necklace and some details on the costume of the character.

  • As today it was very warm weather in my region so I hardly complete this sketch and this time I was not able to give such details but still the results were fine.

  • At first I was making the black friends list on both shoulder or upper arms with the help of black pointer but later I decided to keep it simple and I used poster colour and make it with the thin brush.

  • This is the last image right before outlining and this is rough sketch which is 100% make made with poster colours.

Final look ⭐😁

That's it guys this was all for today's article and this is my entry for splinter land art contest last 2 weeks I was not able to participate in this contest due to internet issue and this time I am very excited to participate I hope you guys would just love it don't forget to give your suggestion below see you next time.

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