A black chubby cat | clay art

It's been a long since I bought a pack of around all primary colours soft play clay. Before buying I was not aware by the texture of the clay and I was excited to make new crafts out of it but on reaching home when I open the pack and discovered that this clay was opposite to my expectation it was much lighter alike foam so making hard and sculpture out of it was pretty hard and only fluffy, soft and cute objects creation was possible. Till then I was trying to find new ideas but all of those were very hard and required that professional clay. But now I've found a lot of new ideas on pinterest and today I've made something new.


I don't know from wherever you (reader) are but let me tell you that the region from where I belong here if the black cat cross Infront of you it is considered very bad for the luck but it is a superstition. But I think black cars are cute and please don't dislike them just on some folktales and disbelief.

  • You will need clay ( black, white , grey and orange)
  • A stick for making ears 😁

Look at the collection of clay I have while some are left in the jar

  • Just simply round the clay with your palm and make a ball.

  • With a pinch of two fingers make two straight ears and by using a pencil make two shallow press on the ears as well as don't forget to make a bend on his back.

  • Add two equal sized white round flat eyes as well as two grey flat round and fit them together beneath the eyes to make mouth.

  • Add very small orange ball above the mouth to make a nose. You can use a thin stick or needle to make moustache but Ive used black pointer.

  • Add two black points on thr eyes and add tail on the back and bend it niw ut is ready.

  • I'm quite sure that it is an muscular cat 😺 not a feminine it's face expressions are witness of this 😂.

A black cat enjoying the sunset on the balcony

You can understand the weight of the cat by this it is so fluffy and low weight and hanged on a chamomile stem. I hope you guys would like my content as always don't forget to share your suggestions

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