
Trick or Treat!!

Hi guys!! This is my second Entry for the Diy/ Liketu Halloween Contest and I'm glad I was able to share my Creation with you all.
I did my project just outside my house and you guys would not believe how many people I scared Hahaha. I can't stop laughing just thinking about it too.
Two of my Elderly neighbors got scared and it also scared a kid too hahaha.

This is my second entry for this contest

I lit candles around it, and the whole place was dark, so it looked so real, I couldn't be more proud, that I was able to scare a few people muahahaha!!

Guys, it's Halloween and a very scary season. I guess this is the time all the witches and wizards, dead people, and zombies come out of their graves to haunt little kids who love Candy

Oh poor kids, stay at home once it's 6 pm. Is your love for candy too much...... You know, that's when all the dead people wake up from their graves to eat kids who are still outside their houses collecting Candies!!

I've always wanted to celebrate Halloween and just know how it feels but hey guess what? We don't celebrate Halloween here in Nigeria, so I have to travel out to get the full experience.
Honestly, I can't wait to experience my first Halloween.

Oh boy, I had a lot of fun making this Diy, Hat, whichand just everything. It took me two days to complete the whole process. I had to wait for something to dry too.
You can check out how I made the pumpkin Here. It's a very simple process that requires Things you can find around your home.

Materials for the witch

  • Nine trash bags
  • sticks for the body
  • old newspaper
  • Four black nylon for the head
  • Tape
  • Clean Rags
  • Candle
    *Red color
  • Matches

Step 1
Fold your newspaper and put it into the tiny nylon until you get the desired head shape and size you want. Once you've got the size, put your stick inside the bag filled with newspaper and tie it firmly. Make sure it doesn't wiggle.
To secure it more and also shape the head, I used my tape to tape the parts that were out. Check the photo to get a full understanding of what I mean

Step 2
Pin your sticks to the ground and make sure it's firm enough so it doesn't fall off. Wear the stick your trash bags ( I used two trash bags for each witch.) But the second bag doesn't go the same way. Put your second bag on, but this time, make a plus + sign and use black nylon to tie around the neck.
This way it looks like a hoody on top of a dress.
Repeat the same pattern for all of them.

Step 3
Once you're done, wear the witch's hats and you're done. All you need to do is decorate the whole place with scary things.

Step 4
I used a spoilt broom and a shoe rack handle to make a witch beooom. I used black nylon to tie the broom and tape to make it stay firmly without loosening.

Step 5
For the baby in the middle, I used a trash bag and put in three not-so-big rags, Once I finished I used tape to tape around it to make it look more real. I also used red color to pour on it, to make it look like it has blood on it.

Materials for Witch Hat

  • Glue
  • Cardboard,
  • Scissors

How to make the witch hat
I used blue cardboard paper to make the hat, and I used black poster color to paint the cardboard black.

Step 1
Cut your cardboard into two equal parts and fold to make a cone. I used Top bond glue to stick the end so it wouldn't fall apart. I allowed them to dry for a few minutes

Step 2
I used a pan cover to make a big circle, and then I cut another tiny circle in the middle of the big circle. Once I was done with that, I wore the circle on the hat and that's how I got my witch hat.

Step 3
I used glue to bond it perfectly well so it wouldn't move around and just stay in place. After which, I used black color to paint the hat black.
And voila that's how I got my witch hat.

Trick or Treat!!

Happy Halloween!!

All images are mine

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