A hut with Popsicle sticks

Hello guy's welcome to my blog. I am here with my new artwork. Its a hut with Popsicle sticks. I have Popsicle sticks already at homt. Some i collected from ice cream and some i purchased. I always feel some difficulty while making something with Popsicle sticks. Today i saw a video of hut which was made with Popsicle sticks so i thought to make it myself. I needed glue gun Popsicle sticks water colors for painting them in multi colors. So let's start the process of my work without wasting time.

First i spread sticks on my board which i used in making things. Then i also opened my whole water colors and started to paint on them.

I colored almost 24 sticks with multi shades. After coloring i cut edge of one side whole sticks so that hut can stand easily.

Later on i hoted glue gun for while and started to past sticks one by one. I pasted 6 sticks on one side.

I made same step at four sides by pasting 6 sticks one by one.

Glue looking some messy because while using glue gun i burnt my finger with hot glue gun. Its some difficult in pasting sticks but i complete. At the end step i cut three sticks in half and put then on the top of hut for giving it shape of hut. I pasted also them with green color.

My artwork is ready for final look. You can see more shots of my work.

Final look

We can use it for decoration on table or someone else. I also made a video at the end you can watch and gave me feedback. See you in the next task. Good bye. Allah Hafiz.

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