Diy/ Simple insect paper design.

Hello, DIY community. It's been a week since I shared a post here but visiting the community gave me an idea of something to come up with as a post.

The truth is that I was learning something for the community monthly prompt when this idea came to my mind. It is a simple design that can be used to design kid's rooms, most especially female children, they will love something like this.

To make this design, I used only a few materials.

White cardboard
Pink cardboard

Honestly, this is the simplest stuff I have done for DIY and it's really cool.

I needed a cylinder shape for the body of the insect so I cut out a pink card and wrapped it around the plastic bottle. I applied gum to hold the two ends and it was fine. If you are using a hard card for the body, you don't need to use a plastic bottle.

After getting the perfect cylinder shape, I cut out two small cards that would serve as the lower wings of the insect and also big cards that would be used for the upper part of the wings. I used the white colour since the body of the insect is pink.

I folded the cards like we used to do to make hand fans as kids, I gummed two of the wings together and held one of the ends with a peg until the gum dried and the result is what's below.

I wanted the insect to have stripes on the body so I cut out two rectangles with the white cardboard and gummed them to the upper part of the insect body.

The insect antenna came in after and I added the eyes and mouth. Isn't it cute?

The lower part looked empty so I cut out and rectangle shape and gave it a design to make it look different. I gummed it to the bottom part of the insect body.

I attached one of the wings first with gum to the back of the insect body and did the second one as well.

I cut out a small piece of pink card to cover the joining of wings.

Finally, I cut out Hive and DIY with the cardboard and gummed the letters to the body with the hope of people admiring this beautiful insect when it flies out there and out of curiosity, they can also discover Hive.

I did a small photo shoot for the insect and discover light would make it beautiful so I used a phone as light and it was beautiful.

I hope you love my insect. I am scared of many insects in reality but this is too cute for me not to fall in love with one.

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