My day at the races (so far)

The day began with this warning on my PC

↑Screen shots↑
I knew it was coming, but I kinda went into panic mode because I have not made any preparations to move my plants. Oh well, I still have a couple of days.
I went and combination BLEW (until the battery started over heating) then RAKING (until the battery had recharged enough) and got the majority of the leaves from my front yard onto a big drop cloth, dragged that to my burn pile and set it alight

Last night His Majesty was on duty chasing a Raccoon away, then today, he was "butterfly gazing"

Such intensity and concentration

He rarely makes a kill

But he sure likes to try
Dangit! It got away!

He follered me back to where I was cutting up wood, some to get rid of on the fire, others for my firepit etc, I looked up and through the fire saw Him DESPERATELY trying to spray.
"You Big Dummy, I'm gonna call you Lamont!"

I split the really small stuff. Those are Mimosa Logs that have been down in the back corner of my fenced back yard for more than a year.
I TRIED dragging them to the burn pile, but I just couldn't do it.
Since then, I've bought a battery powered chainsaw, which does the trick rather nicely.

So now, time to clean up and rest, the fire pile has burned down enough to be left for now.
Don't work too hard my friends. However

"My day so far"

Jerry E Smith
all images taken today with my cell.

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


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