Making my own traditional broom Best from waste.

Hello, Hive-World, and creative friends greetings. At present, we (Me And My husband) are in India and very busy with organizing many things here. House, garden, plus our daily routines. but still, I keep my activities in the hive. During garden work, we had to chop one sick coconut tree. Instead of burning the fronds I upcycled the spines making them into a broom.
Some friends might be familiar with those coconut straw brooms. They are very practical for sweeping the floor, cleaning walls, spider nests, and cleaning gardens. They can also be used to scrub in wet areas. being so versatile most households here in the south coastal area of India keep them instead of a vacuum cleaner. I grew up with these coconut straw brooms and learned how to make them from my grandmother. Other parts of the country where coconuts are not grown they often make similar brooms of bamboo.

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my husband chopped one sick coconut tree, which we didn't want spreading to the other coconut trees. there were many green fronds from that tree. I planned to make a broom that we need daily to sweep the sand outside the house. because we live so close to the beach our soil is pure sand.

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these are the fronds I used.

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I have to pull them from the stem one by one without breaking the spine.

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I got enough unprocessed spines from 4 fronds.

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I gathered them and picked them from the garden.
And placed them where I could sit and clean them .

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I cleaned up each stick and gathered enough straw to make a broom.
They were full of sticky dust and might be some bird's shit on. After cleaning them I took a shower and went to the market to get some string i used jute string which is strong, soft and easy to tie tight.

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The final process I did inside the house because those straws were clean.
I started them putting together.

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Holding them tightly.

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Using the jute string started

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Tie them together.

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Tie tightly and the product is almost ready.

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Cut extra fibers on the top part.

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And very thin ends of straws around 4-5 cm cut out using scissors.
And a small wire tied around to get more support.



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Here is the final product from waste material. thank you very much for stopping by.

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