All for a princess 😍

Hello members of @diyhub community, today am thrilled to share with us all the hand bracelet I made.

For today's diy, I decided to make a simple bracelet yet extremely beautiful. The simplicity of this bracelet is actually what made it stand coupled with the vibrant colors used which is yellow and translucent white. It wasn't difficult sorting for the colors since I have a lot of left over beads and even the once am yet to use still resting in the beads box. Though I don't intend to keep this for myself because I desire to give it out to a cute little princess.

To begin with the bracelet, these were the materials I used:

*Yellow seed beads
*White translucent seed beads
*Fishing line
*Clasps (hook)
*Scissor ✂️
*Masking tape


Firstly, I cut my fishing line, and I ensure it was long enough for the bracelet afterward I inserted my clasps in the middle and tightened properly to ensure it's well secured.

Secondly, after tighting the clasp in the middle I then inserted four yellow seed beads onto one of the line and again inserted four yellow seed beads to the other line making it four yellow seed beads on each of the line. After that, I carried one white translucent seed bead and used it to cross both lines together, taking the left to the right and right to the left.

Note: I used masking tape to help me hold it firm to the surface for easy work.

Thirdly, I repeated same procedure as that of step two till I got the desired length.

Fourtly, to insert my other clasp, I put four seed beads on of the line followed by the clasp and on the other line I put four seed be as well. I then tight it to be firm very well.

Lastly, I used the scissor to cut out the excess line.

Final look of the bracelet.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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