Diyhub : making a paper bracelet for my friend

Hello everyone, it's my pleasure to be here with you guys in this community. Its international friendship day and I will be sharing a gift I made for my friend. It is a special bracelet made out of paper and glue, here are the process I used in achieving this craft.


Some of the materials required to make this craft include

1 7mm stripe of paper of three different colors (35 cm long)

2 scissors and

3 glue or gum.

step 1

Get two stripe of the paper, apply gum on one of it and gum at exactly angle 90°.

step 2

After doing that, I then gum the remaining stripe of paper in the middle.

step 3

I then started to twist the paper in the opposite direction of each other, make sure that the starting point will be uneven like this.

step 4

I continued with the twisting of the paper and made it more long.

step 5

I continued with the process until I reach the ending part. In the ending part I took the remaining stripe that was left from the twisting and folded them and gum them together.

step 6

After achieving that part, I took a brown stripe of the paper and gum it to one end of the folded part of the bracelet and also gum it on the other side to make a hook for the bracelet.

step 7

I then went to the starting point of the bracelet Which has an uneven shape and folded it , and then bend the same folded part to have a rectangular shape and I also applied gum on it.

step 8

After doing that my bracelet is now ready and below is a picture of it and me wearing it.


Best regards


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