Painting Holy Symbol of Ravenkind Prop for Curse of Strahd

Painting Holy Symbol of Ravenkind Prop for Curse of Strahd

Greetings friends! How are you?

Today I'm going to show you how to paint an item from the Curse of Strahd Dungeons and Dragons tabletop game.
Item name ''Holy Symbol of Ravenkind''. This artifact is very powerful in the game and players will need it if they want to defeat the main villain Strahd.


  • Average time of 60-80 minutes
  • Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
  • Metallic Grey spray paint
  • Black Acrylic Paint
  • Red Acrylic Paint
  • Copper Color Acrylic Paint
  • Mask for spraying
  • Two brushes, one of them very fine/thin
  • A glass with water to rest the brushes
  • Hair Dryer
  • This time I will suggest you an amazing music composed by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie

Holy Symbol of Ravenkind thingiverse link by ADobsonComics

Paint with Gray Metallic Spray

As you can see here, it looks bad at first. But it will get better as we go along. I would like to remind you again that at this stage, you should always wear a mask when spray painting with spray paint, even when using spray paint in your life.

Painting Stage

It seems that, not only does the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind originally have a red ruby stone, but it also adds a really nice element as well. You can dye this stone any other color if you want, but here's the secret.

  • Start with a deep red. If necessary, add a little bit of black, less than a drop. It should be close to burgundy.
  • Then put a little bit of light red on it. So you'll have a shading effect.
  • Finally, use a dry brush technique with a very light red, pinkish color to make the edges catch the paint. And that's it!

Here you can ask something like this. Why didn't you first spray paint the interior black to make it blacker? The reason is that when you try to spray paint such thin areas, it always runs and the paint dries in drops. Painting these thin areas with a very thin brush afterwards is much more laborious, but the end result is more beautiful. There is no work without effort.
As you can see here, some places in between look too gray and need to be shaded. That's why I use a thin brush to make the shadows more pronounced, so that the three-dimensional feeling is deeper.

One of the most important things in the Dungeons and Dragons board game is feel, and if a prop doesn't give your players enough feel, it can have the opposite effect instead of enhancing the game. Curse of Strahd is already a very gothic game. And it's very important to add depth to give it an aged feel. After all, this object, Holy Symbol of Ravenkind was made many years ago, and has been missing for years.

Final Product

I have to say that the item itself was too plain. It was actually finished in the top picture. But when I was taking pictures of it and searching the internet, I found this one on the sketchfab. I really liked that, so I bought copper acrylic paint and I'm sorry I couldn't take a picture at this stage, but with a small brush I only painted the edges as you can see in the picture below. I applied it to the edges to give it a copper metallic look. Finally, that was the coloring stage.

And that's all there is to it. To summarize.

  1. First paint the sacred symbol you want to give a metallic look with metallic spray paint.
  2. Then paint the ruby stone in the center red to make it stand out. Use many different shades of red so that it looks shaded. Take your time.
  3. Paint with a very thin brush where you want to shade. (Believe me, you do.)
  4. Finally, if you want the edges to be colored, paint the edges slowly and gently with acrylic copper paint without overflowing.


Thank you so much for reading!

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