Good day everyone. I am here once again with a new tutorial for you guys. Here is this beautiful African mask I made. Mask are a deep reflection of our culture here in African. During traditional festivals often held in Africa. The masquerades usually wear these mask along with their attire while doing the traditional dance.


  • Poster colour
  • Strong cardboard paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue


STEP ONE: Using your pencil, draw a faint outline of a mask and how you want it to look like on a strong cardboard paper and carve it out with your scissors

STEP TWO: Take a separate pieces of the card board paper and carve out the forehead of what you just drew then glue it in top of the actual one.

STEP THREE: Do the same for the eyes, nose and mouth. Use different pieces of the cardboard paper to trace and carve out the eyes, mouth and nose the glue it on top of the actual one. Like this.

STEP FOUR: After that, carve out smaller eyes, and cut it into two then place it on top the eyes you just glued. Like this

STEP FIVE: Carve out the ear also and glue it to the sides of the mask.

STEP SIX: After doing that, carve out small rectangular curved shaped designs and glue it to the edge of the mask. Then you can decide to add earrings to your mask. It is optional.

STEP SEVEN: It's colouring time!. Using the red colour, colour round the fore head, nose and ear. Like this

STEP EIGHT: Then using the orange colour, colour around the face and above the eyes like this

STEP NINE: Use your yellow and green colour to beautify the rectangular designs at the edges of the mask and also at the earrings and face. Like this

STEP TEN: Use a black colour to colour round the edges of the eyes then colour the inside of the eyes with a white colour and a trace of blue in it. It should look like this

After doing all that, you can decide to be creative and add your own special touch to it. I decided to design the face a little more and here is the finished art work.

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