DIY - Make a cute basket from Origami paper


Make a cute basket from Origami paper

Hello friends, everyone, hive and art lovers

Come back with me at this meeting I will share an interesting tutorial which is made from origami paper and I prefer to make baskets from origami paper where with this art we can decorate and make cute baskets. Hopefully this really entertains us.

As we know, a basket is one of the tools that is really needed. With a basket, it makes it easier for us to put all our things into the kingdom, so the existence of a basket is something that humans need.

A shop where shopping is always provided with a shopping basket to make it easier for each customer to buy products, sometimes two hands are not enough, so a basket is needed to complete their needs and maintain comfort for each customer.

Because of that, on this occasion I will make a tutorial on how to make a basket from origami paper. Hope you guys like it.

Ingredients make baskets


Yellow Origami Paper

Step by step to create cart

First step

first we take origami paper then fold it in a square left and right then fold it in length and width left and right then see whether it is completely


Second step

The next step is to fold it inward so that it takes the shape of a kite, then fold the right side to the middle, fold the left side to the middle, then form a cone downwards.


Third step

Then open the fold, then open the right one and open the left one, also open the back one according to the front one


Fourth step

then turn the fold over and shape the cone again at the front and back according to the picture

After that, we put the folded cone into the right and left origami paper


Fifth step

Then we fold the conical fold at the bottom inward so that it will become a seat for the basket, then we make a handle from the paper cone like in the picture.


Sixth step

then take the flowers that we have made to decorate the basket so that they are not too plain, we attach the flowers to the right handle and left handle


Here's the photo after it's finished



This is a shopping cart that I have made well and the tutorial is very detailed. Hopefully you can follow the steps to be successful and I hope this is useful

That's all from me in this post, I hope my tutorial is useful. Don't forget to try making this basket, friends.

See you in the next post friend

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Who is @aera8?

My full name is Aera binti Rasyidi, many friends on the Nest platform call my name Aera, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born on 11/13/2001 until now I graduated from high school with an integrated Islamic boarding school education . I like interesting and unique things and I also love food and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share cooking tutorials, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aera8

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