Come With Me To Rivers State

The past few days has been the most stressful days in this year for me as I've been up and down preparing for my brother's wedding and traditional marriage but to be able to do the wedding Preparations, I have to be in Rivers state and that's why I traveled all the way from Lagos to Port Harcourt and while I was on the road, I took lots of pictures I planned on sharing as soon as I get enough rest but I've figured there's no way I'll do it if I give myself that condition, as it's been from one market to another, one tailor's shop, baking shop, saloon (and more) to the other, I wasn't given even half a day to rest and familiarize myself with the place before hopping on the road to the market and since then it's that way, you may wonder if there's no one else to help so here's the reason.......

The bride doesn't have a sister (except cousins and other family relations of course but they stay far) so I got the honor (stress šŸ˜¬) of helping her out and helping my family too because they've got lots to do too. Anyway, enough of the long stories, it's time to go through my journey with me so here goes nothing šŸ™ƒ.

On Sunday the 20th of November, my brother told me I'll be leaving Lagos to go help with the preparations so I was ecstatic as I love traveling and at that point, I needed it (travel therapy). I spent all week packing, planning and repacking, when the day (27th) came, I woke up at 4:30 am and prepared myself and by a few minutes after five, we were on the way to the bus park, it took a long time to get an Uber or Bolt and when we finally got to the bus park, I was thirty three minutes late to checking in, I was panicking but to my surprise, they've not done anything and that's how a journey that was supposed to start by 6:30 started by 7:17 am and ended by 7:11 PM, approximately 12 whole hours.
Here are a few photos I took and their backstories.

This was the beginning of our journey, we stopped to get fuel and the queue was very long but we managed to get in because the bus company has a contract with the fueling station.

A picture of my view in the bus.

As we went on, we passed beautiful lands filled with trees and everything green.

Few minutes after nine, we arrived at our first official stop, Ore in Ondo State. We were given twenty minutes to buy things or stroll and I did both, I strolled round the mini-market and the only things I could find comfortable to eat was roasted plantain (called bole) so I bought two (spoiler, I didn't eat it šŸ˜…)

The next time we stopped was at a fueling station and we were allowed to go pee, we had to pay 50 naira each to use the restroom, the toilet was looking too dirty so I only took a picture of the surrounding.

We passed through many bridges that I lost count and got tired of taking pictures.

The most interesting part of this journey was the fact that I booked the executive bus, the bus window was tinted, the air conditioner was always on except the bus was off, the driver was extremely nice and funny, he drove really professionally at a hundred miles per hour (I think šŸ¤”) I also had lots of movie options, music, books and pictures to view, each seat had an individual 'seat screen' so everyone could watch movies if they got bored. I could only watch one movie ('The predator' it was really nice by the way šŸ˜Š), because I love enjoying the view while traveling.

We got to the Delta-Bayelsa area where there was serious flood that spoilt the road, construction workers were working on the road and I saw a broken down truck stuck on the road.

We had our final official stop in Bayelsa and I had to use the restroom, there was no one else there so I hurriedly took a 'not-so-nice' picture.

Pictures indicating where I was.

I finally got to the GIGM park at artillery at 7:11 pm and everyone got down and thanked God for the smooth journey, I ordered an Uber and few minutes after, I got to my brother's house and the rest is history (by history I mean eating, discussing and moving to another brother's house to sleep while my niece disturbs my peace šŸ˜…), but in all, I had a nice and comfortable journey.

what a journey, thanks for coming with me.


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