Ring With Beads | Purple and White

For a long time I've been thinking of making an addition to the jewelry community that no one has done before and most of the people I've seen post about.

They have either made a bracelet and put it on. The most heavy thing I have seen is a necklace. Besides, people never go for ring making, so I thought why not make a ring and put it on. To make ring i thought which color combination will suits me i always prefer purple color over me as i have a dark skintone i use to wear dark colors i think they suits me more than light colors so after so much time taking thinking and observation i make the best color combination which is white and purple i think it's tooo good to see and wear. Do you like it??

You know, everyone knows that the smaller the item, the better the quality and the more work it takes. So the more smaller the object is the more efforts put in it. I can't explain how much i love it.

Likewise, I have put a lot of effort into making this ring and I know the results in it are very good and when I saw it wearing it, it looked beautiful on my hand.
So I gifted it to my mother.

So let's start the process of making it without any means. First of all we need the materials to make it.

To make it I needed a thread along with two needles and purple and white beads.

Then i make flower with white beads by using 6 beads i tight it with high grip so that there's no chance of getting loose within thread or get out of shape.

Following the same process i put the purple four small beads only 4 in count so that they give a different look because I'm making a ring which needs less work and beads on it so i didnt use big beads which make it messy and irregular.

Finalize the whole procedure i make 3 white flowers and 2 purple flowers its time to tight it in the round shape make sure to check the size of your finger so that it can be easily put in your hands. I know i have done central flower wrong i loose its beads because of thread this is not becoming so strong.

Here is how it looks when i wear it at once i know this is looking beautiful and my hands are shining by wearing this. Thanks for your time and for being at my place.

Here is heart and ring it proves i love the ring so much and i like it very much what about you? Tell me in the comment section.

Allah hafiz

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