Warhammer 40k - Painting Weekend coming up, preparing for Eternal Carnage Game!

Good day! I am Zak Ludick from Cape Town, South Africa and this is the Warhammer 40,000 boardgame hobby!

17 Days from now, we will be playing our first Eternal Carnage game! This weekend however, we are going away for a little holiday. My wife told me that I should pack my minis and paints however and I can sit a and paint in the evenings or if it is rainy. The kids need to pack some board games and reading books as well!

Of course I do not expect to be painting on the good weather days and we are going to a nice coastal town with nice beaches.

But let's look at what I am eye-balling to paint for Eternal Carnage:

7 vehicles
2 Dreadnoughts
46 power armor models
1 Terminator model

More or less what is in the box here, this will take me to over 4000pts for my side of the board. My opponents will be bringing 2000pts for one guy, plus 1000pts, plus another 1000pts, so between the three of them, 4000pts+ as well!

Right now, from my last Imperial Army Update: Warhammer 40k Collection - Grey Hunters Pack Added! Painted Collection now on 1548pts! - I have 1548pts ready!

Time to get serious.

Among the work that needs to be done:

Painting minis that I just bought second hand and doing them my way. This Space Wolf Dreadnought was not painted by me... I will put my own paint on him.

Putting details, highlights and shading into minis I painted myself but are bland and only tournament ready. I want to get to the point where I no longer need to do painting on this model. Look at the gunner, lazy tourney-ready paint job!

It's not just Space Wolves for my big army. Time to get some of the other Chapters kitted out. My love Dark Angels Techmarine will be joined by some other Dark Angels. I did not paint this Tactical Marine... I will need to see if I have the right paints!

Not my painting level. But I have used this model in tournaments before.

I also have some Dark Angels I assembled and never painted. Look at the snazzy shoulder pad!

Dark Angels = Plasma. Going to be doing a few of these for the Eternal Carnage!

So I have a TON of work coming up for me. Hopefully I will be able to put a considerable dent into the work that needs to be done!

Thank you for reading!

Hobby Fund

Earned: R2181
Spent: R1000
Current savings: R1181
Next target: R1500
Amount left to go: R319

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa

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