Warhammer 40K - New Blood Angels Codex Announced!


Hello everyone!

So the Sons of Sanguinius is getting their own Warhammer 40k Codex Supplement for Warhammer 40,000!

What does that do for me? Well... I am already trying to get all the Deathwatch and Imperial Agents Datasheets reviewed before that Codex drops. Now I have to finish Blood Angels too!

There are 19 Datasheets in the current Index and this announcement Here says that the new supplement shall have 18 Datasheets... so something is getting cut and it is likely that there will be other changes.

The other thing that we can expect from this Codex Suppliment, same as the 10th Edition Dark Angel one, is that there Should be 3 to 4 Detachments to choose from.

I am guessing that there will be a re-hash of the Sons of Sanguinius Datasheet, there will be something for Death Company and then there should be one or maybe two more.

As for new models...

Chaplain Lemartes, Gaurdian of the Lost is getting a new mini!

He looks awesome! I have reviewed his existing datasheet already Here and you can look at the old model.


High Chaplain Astorath is also getting a new mini, looking amazing (though not wildly different).


I now HAVE Blood Angels... so I am looking forward to it!

I also need to go fight some Blood Angels tonight.... so that's all for now!


Hive South Africa

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