Warhammer 40k - Blood for the Blood God! World Eaters 10th Edition Preview thoughts!

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"Blood for the Blood God! Skulls the the Skull Throne!" - World Eaters warcry

Yes, it is time to review the crazed bloodthirsty might of the World Eaters Chaos Legion.

This is Warhammer 40,000, a tabletop strategy board game and this is a rules review for how the World Eaters are going to be playing in the upcoming 10th edition of the core rules... well the part that has been previewed anyway.

Let's go!

Eye Candy

All of them are dangerous in close combat... but especially that one in the back, glowing red with the wings. We call him... Angry Ron.

Well... its Angron... but you get the idea. Angron is a Daemon Primarch, meaning he was one of the Emperor's 20 sons who turned to chaos. He and his legion fell wholeheartedly to the service and worship of the Chaos God Khorne, God of Bloodshed, Rage and Murder.

Army Rule - Blessings of Khorne

Eight is the sacred number of Khorne and that is how many dice you shall roll at the start of any battle round. You then look at the results and use them to gain boons. These boons remain active until the next battle round.

You can only activate each one once and when you do, they are active for the whole army!

So you can get:

  • +2" Movement
  • A 6+ Feel no Pain
  • Sustained Hits 1 on melee weapons (roll of 6 gives you an additional hit)
  • 4+ on destroyed hit and fight on death
  • Lethal Hits (roll of a 6 to hit auto wounds)
  • Advance and charge

Unit Spotlight - Khorne Berserkers

These guys are a no-brainer. They are Chaos Space Marines with great Melee abilities. If they hold an objective they give you the ability to re-roll one of your Blessings dice.

Most awesomely EACH TIME someone shoots at them and any models are destroyed, the Khorne Berzerkers will run D6 inches towards the nearest enemy models that is not an Aircraft!

This is better than the old school Black Templars as they can run multiple times per enemy shooting phase and then be that much closer to the enemy. In the Khorne turn, they would then be able to get nice and close and get into melee in the following turn.

There is, however, a catch! Exactly like I used against the Black Templars in the old days, I would focus on one unit and draw them in close and charge THEM, eliminate them and then move on to the next target!

Khorne players may read this... I am still going to do it to you! You have no control!

Unit Spotlight - Angron

Right. Angron. The Red Angel. The Daemon Primarch of the World Eaters. Angry Ron. These are all names at inspire fear in the enemy!

He can either do a Strike at high strength and damage or lots of hits (Sweep) at a lower strength to take out hordes of enemies.

Beyond that, this guy has the ability to be resurrected on full wounds! After dying, you use a triple 6 on your Blessings of Khorne to bring him back!

Angron can also bring out one of three Aura abilities to affect World Eaters within 6". They are:

  • Plus 1" to charge rolls
  • Plus 1 Attack if the unit is below starting strength
  • Re-Roll To Hit

Weapon Spotlight - Daemongore Cannon

The Daemongore Cannon is no doubt going to be a gun mounted on the Khorne Lord of Skulls a Daemon Engine.

At 18" Range it dishes out a Massive amount of damage on a Blast. D6 shots, hitting on 3+. S14 and Ap-4 with a Massive 3-8 Damage per unsaved wound.

Stratagem Preview - Blood Offering

Basically, put you can use this stratagem to hold an objective even if your opponent shoots your unit off the objective! Pretty neat, strategically.

And that is what we know about the Word Bearers for now. Until we get their full rules.

Thank you for reading!


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