Hobby Victories: My First Competition

Good morning my good people!

How’s y’all doin’? Sorry I haven’t been active on here, a lots been happening irl 😅

So! I recently received my Golden Gobbo 2nd place mug, and I thought I’d just share some stuff here that comes to mind. (I’m a bit under the weather so this may be incoherent 🥴)

So! Lets start off with what the competition was-
It was last October and was for a single model of whatever origin and faction. Warhammer or not.

So I decided to enter with something that had a few countries involved! The model itself came from my friend in Amarica while the color scheme was from a YouTuber (Brink of Art). And of course painted by me, in South Africa. Add the competition that was in the UK and what’d ya know, 4 countries were involved in this!

So what did I enter? Oh just a promotional Primaris Marine.

But all that preambel is boring! Let’s just see what I painted!

I had quite a lot of fun with this one, and put a LOT of effort into it. Probably the most effort I’ve ever spent on a single model that wasn’t a dedicated character.

This was also my first attempt at orange believe it or not! I’m shocked at how easy it actually was too 😅

And, through much debate between the judges and some other VERY well done entries, I had placed 2nd! In my first ever competition!

Now its no Golden Demon or whatever other prestigous event, but I am DAMN proud with what I accomplished!

I’m also currently working on March’s challenge, but I’ll post about that later 😉

I plan on collecting several of these wonderful little mugs 😁

I just hope it doesn’t take 6 months for the next one to get here 🫠

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