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D12 Adventure Seeds: Spelljammer 5e

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  1. Lost Astral Caravan: A powerful wizard's astral caravan vanished while travelling between crystal spheres. The players must find clues, navigate astral currents, and confront astral predators to rescue the missing caravan and its valuable cargo.
  2. The Rogue Githyanki: A renegade Githyanki faction has obtained a powerful artifact and plans to use it to wreak havoc across the multiverse. The players are tasked with hunting down these rogue Githyanki and stopping their nefarious plot.
  3. The Celestial Heist: An enigmatic group of thieves known as the Starweavers is stealing stars from various crystal spheres, causing chaos and disrupting the balance of power. The players must track down the Starweavers' hidden base and recover the stolen stars.
  4. The Living Planet: An ancient, sentient planet is consuming entire worlds as it drifts through the Wildspace. The players must either find a way to communicate with the nebula and reason with it or thwart its destructive path before it engulfs a vital world.
  5. The Dreaming Ship: Legends speak of a spelljamming ship that can traverse the dreamscape itself, and its captain holds the power to shape dreams. The players embark on a quest to find this elusive vessel and seek its captain's aid or confront their malevolent intentions.
  6. Planar Confluence: A powerful planar convergence is imminent, threatening to merge two or more crystal spheres together. The players must navigate through merging landscapes, deal with planar refugees, and prevent cosmic cataclysm.
  7. The Crystal Curse: A magical contagion spreads through the phlogiston, turning spelljammers and their crews into crystalline abominations. The players must find a cure for this "crystal curse" while avoiding the infected ships.
  8. The Garden of Worlds: A hidden garden floating within the wildspace contains portals to countless worlds. However, an ancient guardian has gone rogue, trapping explorers in the garden. The players must navigate the surreal landscapes, avoid the guardian's traps, and liberate those who are trapped.
  9. The Space Kraken: Reports of a colossal spacefaring kraken terrorizing spelljamming routes are circulating. The players must gather information about this elusive creature, find its lair, and decide whether to defeat it, study it, or broker a peaceful agreement.
  10. The Living Spelljammer: A gargantuan, sentient spelljamming vessel appears and swallows other ships whole. The players must venture inside this leviathan ship, navigate its interior, and uncover its purpose.
  11. The Cursed Constellation: A cluster of stars emits a strange, enchanting melody that lures spelljammers towards it. Ships that venture too close become ensnared, and their crews fall under a mysterious enchantment. The players must resist the allure, break the curse, and learn the truth behind the melody.
  12. The Clockwork Armada: An armada of ancient, self-repairing clockwork ships emerges from the depths of the phlogiston, threatening to conquer the known crystal spheres. The players must find the source of these constructs and halt their relentless march.

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