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SheCanCode • Empowering Young Ladies With How to Code • Web Development Seminar for Ladies

Edited by me with PhotoGrid

SheCanCode • Empowering Young Ladies With How to Code • Web Development Seminar for Ladies

As young leaders we need to think about and devise sustainable ways of solving our problems. Do not give me meat, rather teach me how to hunt. So that I can survive on my own tomorrow when you are not there.

Apart from our main responsibilities and duties as leaders of our society, empowerment is one of the core values that we hold in very high regard.
As the saying goes, people will forget what you said to them and what you did for them but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.

This is my unspoken mantra as a leader.

I can only give you or tell you so much but what I make sure of is, everything I give you or tell you carries depth that’ll touch your heart and trigger a feeling. That way even if you forget what I told you or gave you, you’ll not forget the feeling, at least.

It is the same logic that we are using to impact the society’s members. There are many different things the past leaders have done to make their names, but our focus is on touching lives and improving livelihoods. That does not mean we should be sharing money.

As young leaders we need to think about and devise sustainable ways of solving our problems. Do not give me meat, rather teach me how to hunt. So that I can survive on my own tomorrow when you are not there.

So we the leadership of the society, under the wing of the Women’s Commissioner, have put together a weekly seminar to teach the young ladies of the society how to code, among other tech skillsets.

”When you educate a man you educate an individual.
When you educate a woman you educate a whole nation•

~ Unknown

That notwithstanding, we are organizing a separate one for the males. We could put them together but we have come to realize that the ladies don’t normally show up to seminars. We feel it’s because they are not very comfortable learning these type of things with boys that why we have made this one dedicated for them.
We are planning an open one for all to participate while this one dedicated to the ladies still go on. The demand for the tech skills from the boys is massive. In fact we had 2 boys join us in this one.

We are glad to be in the position to make it happen for them. We are always in service to our society. Leadership is all about serving!!

We do not charge anything for these seminars. We are the leaders of our department; the Computer Science Society.

These seminars will go on every weekend from 28th February until the end of the semester in April. They will continue in the second semester again and continue until the end of the semester. A semester is 4months here.

The seminar

seminar flyer - (mistake with the date, it’s 25th instead of 28th

The seminar is led(taught) by an alumnus of our department and a current final year student of our department who are both full-stack developers.

In this meeting, the young ladies were taken through the basics of web development. They were introduced to HTML and were led to write their first webpages in html. They applied headings, paragraphs, line breaks, and basic styling such as bold, italics, underline, and so on.

Not all of the ladies had laptops which is a big challenge to them grasping some of the concepts as they couldn’t replicate what was being taught to them by themselves.
Learning how to code without a personal computer of one’s own is a big demoralizer of spirit.

a lady without a laptop learning how to code on her phone

We managed to help them access some online code editors. But we could still tell that the feeling was not the same with those that didn’t have laptops.

We hope to get support for those young ladies who showed up to learn how to code but did not have laptops and had to learn how to code on their phones with laptops.

Hoping this turns into a hive project so we can support more young ladies.

Next week Saturday(4th March) hopefully they will be introduced to some basic styling using CSS.


Thanks for stopping by. See you in our next post.

All graphics in this post were designed by our graphic designers and the pictures were taken by us.
