Transparency Report: Amancion Elementary School Christmas Party Was A Success! | Project L.I.B.R.O

Hello everyone!

Happy New Year! Let's start the year with a transparency report to establish trust and accountability. As I've mentioned in the transparency reports of my previous donation drives, I'm not a fan of these posts, but it's necessary to account for every cent of donations and ensure they go to the intended beneficiaries.

This post is to lay out the cash flow, so there will only be a few details about the Christmas Party itself. Don't worry though. We will provide much more information in a series of posts, including the ordeal of just getting to the school. I will not be the only one detailing the events because @indayclara will also provide her point of view.

Context | Cash Flow In

Last December 19, 2022, I posted that I wished to accumulate 500 HBD for the pupils of Amancion Elementary School and I was overwhelmed by the support! I'm always humbled by the support I got from my donation drives. Hive has been a blessing to me! To those who donated, upvoted, and reblogged the post, may the blessings you will receive this year and in the years to come will abound and overflow. You didn't hesitate to donate when I uploaded this post:

Post Payout: 101.994 HBD and 341.181 HIVE

Tips and Transfers:

@blocktrades & @guiltyparties

Total: 328.994 HBD and 501.181 HIVE

Due to bad weather, we decided to postpone the party from December 28, 2022, to January 4, 2023. I initially had a main goal of just providing boots and raincoats to the children, but because we had more time to prepare, I provided an update which also served as an extension of the donation drive:

Post Payout: 20.463 HBD and 79.350 HIVE

Tips and Transfers:

@blocktrades & @guiltyparties
@pettycash (for Hive merch)

Total: 224.463 HBD and 104.350 HIVE

Overall Money Accumulated: 553.457 HBD + 605.531 HIVE

Thank you so much, donors! That's more than enough for the intended beneficiaries.

Conversions and Withdrawals | Cash Flow Out

I did three (3) separate conversions and withdrawals during the whole donation drive. The first was last December 24, 2022, when we bought the raincoats and tumblers/water bottles. The second one was last December 26, 2022, when we bought the boots, loot bags, and prizes for the games. The third and last withdrawal was last January 3, 2023, for transportation and other expenses.

HBD to HIVE Conversions

First Conversion

Second Conversion

Third Conversion

Total HBD Converted: 227 HBD + 101.994 HBD + 200 HBD = 528.994 HBD
Remaining HBD: 553.457 HBD - 528.994 HBD = 24.463 HBD

HIVE Withdrawals

Total HIVE: 605.531 HIVE + 702.413 HIVE + 348.721 HIVE + 760.508 HIVE = 2,417.173 HIVE

The first withdrawal was 830 HIVE or 268 USDT at the time of conversion and it yielded PHP 14,801.64. This was used as the initial money to buy the needed materials like raincoats and tumblers. You can find the details of this in this post: Project L.I.B.R.O | Update on the Christmas Party for the Pupils of Amancion Elementary School.

The second withdrawal was 688 HIVE or 201 USDT at the time of conversion and it yielded PHP 11,091.18. This was used as additional funds to buy the boots, loot bags, and other prizes. I didn't provide an update on this one because I got busy with the New Year preparations.

The third withdrawal was 760 HIVE or 200 USDT at the time of conversion and it yielded PHP 11,076.00. This was used as funds for transportation and food.

Total HIVE Withdrawn: 830 HIVE + 688 HIVE + 760 HIVE = 2,278 HIVE
Remaining HIVE: 2,417.173 HIVE - 2,278 HIVE = 139.173 HIVE

Total Available Money (in PHP): PHP 14,801.64 + PHP 11,091.18 + PHP 11,076.00 = PHP 36,968.82

Summary of Expenses

Raincoats & Tumblers
With Receipt
With Receipt
Loot Bags, Headbands, and Toys
Without Receipt - Will provide photos
Tarp & Stickers
With JO Receipt
Dryfit Shirts
With Receipt
Shirt Printing
With JO Receipt
Taxi Fare from Colon to Home
Without Receipt
Volunteers' Food
With Receipt
Transport from Catmondaan to Amancion
Without Receipt - Will provide photos
Noodles, Sardines, & Eggs
Without Receipt - Photos to follow
Snacks for the Kids
Without Receipt - Photos to follow
Gifts for the Teachers
Without Receipt - Photos to follow
Dance Contest Rewards for the Kids
Without Receipt - Photos to follow

Remaining Money (in PHP): PHP 36,968.82 - PHP 29,151.60 = PHP 7,817.22

Excess Funds: 24.463 HBD + 139.173 HIVE + PHP 7,817.22

I will hold the excess funds for now because I have other plans for the kids in Amancion. We are still in the talking stage with the teachers and stakeholders for the activity, but if ever it won't be pushed through, I will transfer all the funds to @hiveph for safekeeping and future activities. If it will be pushed through, I will ask for your opinions here and if you're all okay with the plan, I will do another donation drive maybe by late February or early March.

Now for the details of each item:

I will start with the Hive merch because it has a special budget provided by @pettycash. Thank you so much @guiltyparties!

Hive Merch

Budget: 75 HBD or PHP 4,125.00 (using $1/HBD and PHP 55.00/USD conversions)


Tarp & Stickers
Dryfit Shirts
Shirt Printing

Remaining Funds for Hive Merch (in PHP): PHP 4,125.00 - PHP 3,700.00 = PHP 425.00

It was all worth it! Some kids were absent because of bad weather. Those kids were from the school and they would have to cross rivers and creeks which would have swollen because of the continuous rain. We just left all the items at the school and let the teachers distribute them to those who were absent. Thank you to @indayclara for the tarp design!

Aren't those loot bags cute? Those big stickers are in the loot bags while the small ones are in the tumblers.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I almost cried when we had this photo. They're so cute in those boots while holding the loot bag!

Left photo above - The volunteers wearing the Hive shirt. L-R: Claire (@indayclara), Kim (@ybanezkim26), Queenie (@queenielee), Milona, and Kevin. Right photo above - Claire (@indayclara) wearing the Hive shirt with the mountains of Amancion in the background. We also gave the teachers Hive shirts. Photos will follow in the next posts.

Raincoats and Tumblers

I already provided the details on these items in the update post. I'll just add more photos here together with the receipt.

We got a big discount on this one because there was a promo at that time that there's a 10% discount for purchases of more than a dozen items. It was so much fun choosing the colors and sizes of the raincoats.


We had to buy from a different store because the store where we bought the raincoats and tumblers had no variety in terms of designs and I hated those designs. Good thing there was a store that had boots specifically for kids and had colorful designs.

It was during this time that I decided to add the transportation from Colon in Cebu City to Mandaue City. I had to take a taxi because of that big box of boots. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask for a receipt from the taxi driver. I usually don't add in the calculation the transportation, but I figured there are excess funds so I might as well add it for convenience. If there's one complaint, I'm willing to reimburse the amount.

Loot Bags, Headbands, and Toys

Because we bought those items at a corner street somewhere in Colon, they don't provide receipts. They just write on some paper the items and their respective prices. I'll just provide the photos instead.

We were debating if we should buy more toys as gifts and prizes because we were worried they might not like them, but when they received the toys, they were so happy! We were wrong! We will bring more toys next time.

Volunteers' Food

Kevin and Milona offered to use their car as our transport from the city to Catmon. Since we departed from the city at around 4:00 AM, we didn't have time to have breakfast. I decided that we pass by a drive-thru to have a quick breakfast because I know we would have a long day ahead.

Transport from Catmondaan to Amancion

This will be the last time in the summary of expenses that I will justify in this post. The details of the remaining four items will be provided in the next post. I don't have the official photos yet because @indayclara is still processing them.

This habal-habal ride from Catmondaan to Amancion turned out to be a major expense. We initially thought that the drivers were asking too much for PHP 600.00 each one-way. We needed five motorcycles, so that's PHP 3,000.00 just going to Amancion. Another PHP 3,000.00 going back. I think they deserved it. After all the ordeal they had to overcome just so that we can arrive safely at the destination, they're the unsung heroes at that time.

These are just some of the photos during the trip (@indayclara will post more photos and videos soon):

It took us 3 hours from Catmondaan to Amancion (from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM). That's 18.9 kilometers, passing swollen rivers and spillways and walking through muddy portions of the road. There was even a landslide along the way. But the view up there was immaculate even if it was continuously raining.

Riding through rain and fog. Walking in some parts of the road because the motorcycle can't get through almost halfway through the knee depth of mud.

The drivers made sure that the items were safely transported even if they had to drag their motorcycles.

There was a landslide that day and I am still amazed by how they were able to pass through with their motorcycles.

The view up there! It was amazing!

Our heroes of that day. Now, just imagine the struggles of the teachers if they had to do it everyday.

But in the end, it was all worth it:

In behalf of Amancion Elementary School, thank you so much to the donors! Thank you, Hive!

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