RE: We Are Still here, While Others Are Not? Coincidence? I Don't Think so!

I liked the part with the words

Oh now that is feedback I can use, thank you, I'm glad to hear it as I contemplated skipping that aspect of the post!!!

The time when the notion of plagiarists stings the most is when you have spent hours creating something that reflects your true thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and you know you could have shaved off an hour or so here or there, but you realise that wouldn't reflect your integrity. Then some snake pops up after cutting and pasting the work that someone else has spent time and effort on, attempting to gain respect, kudos, praise, and reward.

That really is a tad slimy, isn't it?

Retraction. I in no way intended to confer any disrespect to the reptile community with my comparison. I wholeheartedly rescind the offending comments and assure you they do not reflect the views of myself or anyone else in my organisation, (also me).As a one-time herpetologist, I have a longheld respect for all reptiles and I apologise, I should have known better. Please don't cancel me!

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