Six Years Strong: Lessons Learned and Connections Made on Hive

See how time passes, I don't even realize that I have been here for almost 6 years and I can't believe it. Yes, this journey has been full of ups and downs. It was not like a straight line and perhaps our life is also like this. It happens that everything is not the same every time, there are ups and downs in life, similarly, my life here has also been like this. I have learned a lot here and perhaps I too have taught a lot to many people here and now I endeavour to guide more people as much as I can or you can say as much as I can. yes, the initial days are very difficult for everyone, especially here because it is a little different from other platforms, but as you spend time here, you did enjoy it and you get lost in the environment and get moulded.

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In these 6 years, I have made many friends here and have bonded well with some of them and it is great to see how you can make friends online and spend quality time with them too. Yes, I have not even met most of these people in real life, but I have met so many virtually that it seems as if you have known each other for so many years, you just need to meet once and maybe we will meet in the future. Sure Many communities keep doing meet-ups but perhaps we are not able to do so now we will do so in the future and for this I am very positive, maybe not, I don't think so, other people must be thinking so too.

6 years is a very long time but I have been more active here in the last few years ever since we are on hive from Steam and believe me it was only after that that I started understanding things more easily. Earlier I don't know why. Everything seemed very strange to me, but ever since I came to Hive, I have understood a lot and I also help people a lot in understanding things because when you have a good experience of something, then only you can share it with people. You can share things well and you get a different confidence in it from within. I too had troubled a lot of people in the initial days when I did not understand things and I wholeheartedly thank all those people who helped me a lot answered my silly questions and took time for me. Had it not been for him, I would not have been able to reach where I am now, for which I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Hive for me :

I am very positive about the hive and in the future, I want to retire based on the hive. Yes, it is easy to say but it becomes a bit difficult to achieve but it is not impossible. Many people have done this and It feels good to see this and in such a situation, other people also get motivated. Just proper planning is required, after which you can make every impossible thing possible and perhaps an excellent plan is required to do this. Let us see what the future holds regarding hive in the future, no one can know that, we can only try from our side.

I have many plans for hive this year, which I have talked about in detail in this post. If you want to know about them, you can read more about them here Navigating the Hive: Setting Sail with New Resolutions in 2024. If I want to tell you the rest, just let me know. My target this year will be dedicated to HBD savings and I have been working for it since the beginning of the year. Let's see what else happens. It feels good to complete 6 years here properly. A year is a very long time but believe me, those who have come here, yes they face some problems but gradually if we learn things then everything becomes easy and we also start enjoying the journey. The journey has also been like this and all I would like to say is that I hope that we will stay here till we are almost old and have fun and what can I say. I am grateful that I did a chance to earn a decent income from the hive and I am getting paid for a few jobs that I am doing on the hive and that feels amazing.


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

If you are not playing the Splinterlands and Golem Overlord games then feel free to join my referral 😁

My splinterlands referral
My Golem Overlord referral

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----

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