When I newly joined hive, I was fascinated by the different front ends to access the general hive platform. These gateways are unique in their own ways, with different features. I have used most of them and have also made a post about some of them in the past. they all offer great attributes and user friendly functions to help you move through, read, engage, write etc. while some frontends display all communities and features on hive, some don't as they tend focus more on the contents of that community.


Ecency is actually really cool and highly effective in so many ways.
First, Engagement is really easy here. Different contents from all the communities are all available including all hot and trending to pics. It is so easy to simply read, write and leave your comments.

Second, you'll never miss any notifications with ecency. it allows you complete control and transparency as every activity that connects or relates to your account will be be brought to your awareness including all the people who upvoted your post.

Third, it helps me manage my connections with it's notifications. I get notified when someone follows me and also when someone unfollows me. Just yesterday, i unfollowed someone, i knew they would see it because they use ecency too, they did and unfollowed me almost immediately which I really appreciated; It helps you filter your account by always keeping you in the loop.

More so, it makes it easy for you to claim your hive engine tokens. It tells you how many more tokens you've acquired and lets you claim them collectively, you can also stake them or buy tokens using ecency.

Not only can you use ecency to navigate hive, you also get rewarded for using it which is super cool. You get rewarded with ecency points for using the site. They are a specific number of points awarded for each activity you do on Point for upvote, for comments, for posting and even for merely breathing, you get point simply being on the website without necessarily doing any thing.



Ecency team was recently welcomed by The Ladies Of Hive community @ladiesofhive and now ecency points are awarded to the winners of the contest. Thanks to the efforts of @melinda010100 and @good-karma Reading this helped me understand the uses if the ecency points in details. The ecency points can be used to boost your posts, promote them for more visibility. You can also gift or transfer ecency points to anyone.

This really contributes to the growth of the users of hive community and hive in general. I like ecency and will continue to use it alongside the other frontends all for the full hive experience.

Go use ecency and feel free to share your points with me and your other friends. LOL.


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