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What Nature Means To Me,My first post in this community!

Hi there and Thank You for Stopping by!
Welcome to my "Introductory Post" for this Amazing New Community - Unity Toward Freedom

What Nature Means To Me is a many faceted question. The simple answer is ”Organic and Water”. Organic because to us our relationship to Nature is a relationship to things “Natural” to this Earth. Water because it is in everything. All things have “Hydrogen”. Hydrogen makes up 73% of The Universe and is in all things.

Now the bigger answer is what things do to Hydrogen on Earth. All Things, this is Earth Nature. That a seed from a tree grows into a tree, with the personality of a tree. That a kitten grows into a cat. And all of it is based on water.

However, this also has another component that and that is the will to live. And since all of these wills are indeed different, the will to live of a Lion is different than that of a Worm - then this would be Nature, as we know it. The personality of things imposed on water.

This is my personal view of Nature as well, and that is “what personalities do to water (Hydrogen)”. This is what causes the varied and diverse environment that we live in. Even the rocks contain Hydrogen, so it is the natural personality of all things – the base. Each making its impression on a substance – Hydrogen. And all having the courage to do it again tomorrow.

So Nature would be those personalities that are native to the Earth. And by default their “impression” on Hydrogen and the transformation over time that in some cases we call “Life” is what Nature is for me. As another element is in the to me.

And that I am so very lucky to witness this process on the Earth, and think about the magnitude of things that came before to make this what we now have and call nature possible.

Thank You for Visiting today!
Have an Amazing Day and Stay Safe and Happy!