Steps on taking good care of my health

This is a great contest to end the year with and I am so much impressed to participate in this week contest. The topic is, how do you take care of your health?, health is something everyone needs to take care of, taking care of health issue leads to good health and it also avoid sickness and some deadly disease that affect our body.. Health has a logical way of taking care of, but the process you could take care of your health and to avoid sickness and some other deadly stuff that courses bad things in the body.. In this topic, I will be mentioning some fill steps on how you can take care of your health...

The process I used on being healthy and fit

  • The first thing I used to do, is by eating of good vitamin and food like vegetables. Food has is own way to provide good health care in the body especially when you eat much of vegetables and classic of food.. Food we have now as different function in our body system but mostly vegetables as the highest function in our body, when you talk about vegetables, I don't only talk about pumpkin leaf I'm talking about anything related to vegetables, like green onion, green pepper, sweet corn, and some other spices we used on preparing food, that why I love eaten rice a lot because I will always want to add does vegetables spices in my food especially carrot and green beans. This way your body will look fresh and healthy....


  • Secondly, drinking of herbal medicinal stuff, I know some people hate anything called herbal maybe because it tastes bitter but is the best when it comes to treatment and health care, a lot of drugs we take now are made from this herbal medicinal, so I believe on taking herbal because is the best way to cure and to avoid sickness from your body. I will explain the method I used on herbal medicine, I usually take it in the morning with an empty stomach and in the evening when I am about to sleep. In that way your body system will balance...


How I prepare my herbal medicine

The ingredients I uses, take a big pot add, pawpaw leaf, lime, lemon, Ginger and Garlic, Lipton tea, lemon grass, then after putting it in a big pot, add some water and cook it for 10 to 15 minutes, your herbal medicine is ready to be taken...

  • Thirdly, Every one knows how unique it is to participate in the exercise, participating in the exercise is one of the valuable factor in your health. Gyms are the main factors of health care, I know some people hate gym and exercise maybe because it's stressful but I tell you is the important way to make your body to be fit and to avoid body pains. I started gyming when I felt muscular joint pain in my body and ever since then exercise and gyming as being part of me, every morning before doing any other things for the day, I will participate in jogging with my friends to the gym and do some exercise and my body as being fit....


This are the three ways i used to stay healthy and fit... Thanks for reading and special thanks to @anttn for the contest...

I remain Kingsleymark...

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