Ways I Take Care Of My Health

I have always taken the issues of health seriously ever since I realized health is Wealth. A little instability in any area of one's life could cause discomfort and that's why the World health organization (WHO) defines health as the state of complete wellbeing, which includes both physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually and not merely the absence of disease. The degree to our well-being depends on the lifestyle we adopt. To remain healthy requires a continuous effort to maintain a certain way of life that promotes a stable wellness in all areas of one's life both physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.

Personally, there are a few ways I take care of my health. By health I mean all areas that concern my wellbeing and these include , the type of food I eat and how often I eat certain things, the quantity of water that I drink, the amount of time I give for rest, use of dermal creams, my priorities, my expenditures, etc.

Fruits and vegetables are foods I consumed a lot. Watermelon suppresses typhoid symptoms for me and weakness. That may not work for everyone but it works fine for me. In my tribe, we have this culture of taking a food called zyepoIt's a meal by the Gbagyi people made from maize flour and prepared by adding water extracted from ashes. It's known to help flush whatever isn't needed by the body and improve immunity. This is believed to be the reason why people from my tribe rarely get sick or recover quickly whenever they fall ill.

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As much as our body needs food is equally the amount it needs water. Whenever one is dehydrated, he grows weak and probably start to suffer other complications that may grow worse if not attended to. I drink at least 7 cups of water a day. I do not allow myself go thirsty before drinking except if there was no water. Frequent drinking of water is something I do to keep myself healthy and hydrated. A balance water level also allows proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Rest is also one important lifestyle I consider, no matter how busy I am, I create time for myself to rest. I sleep at least 5 hours a day and freshen up afterwards. It helps me regain strength and become alert. I'm always dull and tired whenever I neglect the time for rest. I mustn't sleep to have a rest, sometimes I just stop doing certain things for a few hours before resuming.

For my mental health, I try to set not-too-high goals. I set my priorities averagely, just not to suffer depression and overwork myself. I try as much to work within my limit to avoid stress and for my physical appearance, I use cacatin, a cream for dermal issues, it works well for me. Sometimes I mix the cacatin in my cream and this gives me a clear and beautiful skin. The other lifestyles I maintain are eating natural plants believed to have certain functions in the body and exercise which is not frequent.

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