RE: Sleep Patterns And Insomnia Experience / Patrones De Sueño Y Experiencia De Insomnio [ENG-ESP]

Yes, I think stress and anxiety play important roles indeed, but as you say, the idea is to find a balance with a healthy diet and then... After reading a lot of articles already, I've realized that many more people than I would have thought don't have such good sleep! And I think that mobile phones and the internet are partly responsible for this. Because yes, as you rightly say, things change when you have children, but I have the impression that the networks, however beneficial and useful they may be in other respects, add an extra tension that we don't necessarily realize!

For herbal teas, I also use chamomile, sometimes with star anise and lime blossom, and then above all I meditate in the position in which I am going to fall asleep, concentrating on a gentle rhythm of breathing. The idea is not to stop the thoughts, but to let them flow :)

Thank you for your participation and your precious testimony dear @ladytitan !
I wish you a pleasant weekend, take good care of you 🌟

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