Duatl贸n Spegazzini | Experiencia [Esp/Eng Subtitled] 馃毑馃弮


聽聽 En los 煤ltimos tiempos, he aprendido, que debemos estar preparados y dispuesto a improvisar, frente a cambios imprevistos. Mi amigo ciclista, Rub茅n, se inscribi贸 para el duatl贸n en cuesti贸n y por diferentes razones, no lo pod铆a correr y gentilmente, me cedi贸 su inscripci贸n, para que yo lo haga. Sinceramente, a mi ego, no le gusto nada, ya que no hab铆a entrenado para este evento y el que dir谩n, reflotaba en mi mente. Cuesti贸n, que al llegar el evento, la Pelu, que esta vez estaba en la organizaci贸n, me dijo que si quer铆a trabajar, porque algunos chicos le fallaron y fue la excusa perfecta, para no correr el duatl贸n.


! [English]

In recent times, I have learned that we must be prepared and willing to improvise in the face of unforeseen changes. My cycling friend, Ruben, signed up for the duathlon in question and for various reasons, he could not run it and kindly gave me his registration, so that I do it. Honestly, my ego did not like it at all, since I had not trained for this event and the fear of what people would say was on my mind. The thing is that when the event arrived, Pelu, who this time was in the organization, told me that if I wanted to work, because some guys failed and it was the perfect excuse for not running the duathlon.


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聽聽聽聽聽 Dos d铆as previo al evento, sal铆 con mi amigo Braian y su grupo, para probar mi bicicleta y sobre todo, ver como me sent铆a. La verdad, que me sent铆 bastante bien, pero igualmente un entrenamiento, dista mucho de una competencia.

! [English]

Two days before the event, I went out with my friend Braian and his group, to test my bike and above all, to see how I felt. The truth is that I felt pretty good, but still a training is far from a competition.

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聽聽聽聽聽 Alquilaron una estancia, para organizar el evento y sinceramente, el d铆a acompa帽aba. Pero siempre hay un pero y esta vez, se llevaron los mosquitos. Estos actores, actualmente en argentina, son noticias por doquier, por la cantidad que hay y tambi茅n, por la masificaci贸n de contagios por dengue.

! [English]

They rented an estancia, to organize the event and honestly, the day was perfect. But there is always a but, and this time, they took the mosquitoes. These actors, nowadays in Argentina, are everywhere in the news, because of the number of mosquitoes and also because of the massive spread of dengue infections.

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聽聽聽聽聽 Muchos ya conocen a mi amiga ciclista La Pelu. Un ser maravilloso, con una luz muy especial; ella es la esposa de Trejo, que es el bicicletero y due帽o del Cicl贸n de Ezeiza. Pienso, que la Pelu, es el alma del grupo y es la que nos mantiene unidos. Ocurrente al 100%, llevo su outfit ideal, para combatir a los mosquitos 馃榿.

! [English]

Many of you already know my cycling friend La Pelu. A wonderful being, with a very special light; she is the wife of Trejo, who is the owner of Cicl贸n de Ezeiza. I think that La Pelu is the soul of the group and is the one that keeps us together. She's 100% occurrent, I'm wearing her ideal outfit to fight the mosquitoes 馃榿.

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聽聽聽聽聽 Cuando llegue, junto a mis compa帽eros, al puesto, donde deb铆amos prestar nuestro servicio, fue abrumador el advenimiento de mosquitos y si bien, me puse repelente al salir de casa, no era suficiente para poder combatirlo. Cr茅anme, que necesitaba el outfit de la Pelu. En el video, se observa como nos atacaban.

! [English]

When I arrived, along with my colleagues, to the post where we were to provide our service, the arrival of mosquitoes was overwhelming and although I put repellent when I left home, it was not enough to fight them. Believe me, I needed the Pelu outfit. In the video, you can see how they attacked us.

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聽聽聽聽聽 Pese a todo, disfrute de la experiencia y tambi茅n de ver correr a mis amigos. En especial, a la leyenda del grupo "El Whass", que con sus 67 a帽os, corrio el duatl贸n, saliendo 2掳 en su categoria y como siempre dando el ejemplo y la motivaci贸n, para los que venimos detr谩s.

! [English]

In spite of everything, I enjoyed the experience and also to see my friends running. Especially, the legend of the group "El Whass", who with his 67 years, ran the duathlon, coming 2nd in his category and as always setting an example and motivation for those who come behind.

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聽聽聽聽聽 En el puesto, estaba junto a Rosa y una ni帽a, que al ser nueva en el grupo, no lo expuse, por respeto. La 煤nica funci贸n era, dar hidrataci贸n (agua) e indicar por donde deb铆an ir los atletas. Competir, es algo que lo disfruto y sobre todo, cuando siento que estoy bien entrenado. Hacer estos trabajos tambi茅n me gusta, porque vivir experiencias nuevas, es lo que nos mantiene despierto a nuevas oportunidades.

Te leo en los comentarios, para conocer tu parecer.

Gracias por llegar, hasta aqu铆.


! [English]

At the post, I was next to Rosa and a girl, who, being new to the group, I did not expose, out of respect. The only function was to give hydration (water) and indicate where the athletes should go. Competing is something I enjoy, especially when I feel that I am well trained. I also like doing these jobs, because living new experiences is what keeps us awake to new opportunities.
I'll read you in the comments, to know your opinion.
Thanks for making it this far.

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馃弮鈥嶁檧馃弮鈥嶁檧馃弮鈥嶁檧Recursos - Resources馃弮鈥嶁檧馃弮鈥嶁檧馃弮鈥嶁檧

  • Cr茅ditos a mis amigos, por dejarme filmarlo.
  • Cr茅ditos a los organizadores, por dejarme filmar el evento.
  • Creditos a la Pelu, por cederme los videos.
  • Cr茅ditos a los logos de Hive, Threespeak y Fulldeportes.
  • Grabo los videos con mi celular Xaomi Note 8 y mi GoPro Hero.
  • "Introducci贸n musical: 100% creaci贸n propia libre de todo copyright".
  • Recursos de Pixabay link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
  • Realizo el subtitulado a trav茅s de YouTube y VLC media player
  • El editor de video que utilizo es el CupCut, versi贸n gratuita.
  • Edito las fotos con Canva Pro
  • Corrijo mis textos, con Languagetool versi贸n gratuita.
  • Mi idioma nativo no es el ingl茅s, es por eso que uso: deepl translator

! [English]
Credits to my friends for letting me film it.
Credits to the organizers, for letting me film the event.
Credits to Pelu, for lending me the videos.
Credits to the logos of Hive, Threespeak and Fulldeportes.
I shoot the videos with my Xaomi Note 8 cell phone and my GoPro Hero.
"Music intro: 100% own creation free of all copyrights".
Pixabay resources link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
I perform the subtitling through YouTube and VLC media player.
The video editor I use is CupCut, free version..
I edit the photos with Canva Pro.
I correct my texts, with Languagetool free version.
My native language is not English, that's why I use: deepl translator


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聽聽聽聽 Te invito a que promocionemos nuestra marca personal y obviamente, al bonito ecosistema de #Hive, en todas las redes sociales.




! [English]
聽聽聽聽聽 I invite you to promote our personal brand and obviously, the beautiful #Hive ecosystem, in all social networks.




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