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"Alguna vez le contaré a mis nietos que yo entrené a Leo Messi. A Messi hay que hablarle poco, escuchar bien lo poco que dice. Y que nadie se olvide: a Messi no hay que sacarlo nunca, ni para la ovación. No escribas sobre él, no trates de describir lo que hace; simplemente míralo." – Pep Guardiola.

"One day I will tell my grandchildren that I coached Leo Messi. You have to talk to Messi very little, listen well to what little he says. And nobody should forget: Messi should never be taken out, not even for a standing ovation. Don't write about him, don't try to describe what he does; just watch him". - Pep Guardiola.

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Hay quien dice que ha venido de otro mundo, que es un ser extraterrestre, y si así fuera vendría de Mercurio; un planeta de estatura corta, como lo era él antes de fichar por el FC Barcelona con 13 años y que, como parte de su contrato, el club catalán pagara su tratamiento con hormona del crecimiento. Lionel creció y vaya que lo hizo, no tanto en su envergadura física, creció para ser un astro capaz de eclipsar al mismo Sol.

Y hablar del Sol recuerda inevitablemente a Luis XIV de Francia, conocido como “El Rey Sol”. Aquel monarca odiaba París, ciudad en la que Leo recaló tras no poder seguir en Barcelona, una ciudad de la que Luis XIV era conde rival. ¿Coincidencias? Totalmente, pero Lionel, con una pelota en los pies, puede eclipsar a cualquiera con esos quiebres y regates imposibles tan equiparables a la estética versallesca de aquel Palacio al que Luis XVI trasladó a su corte.

Some say that he has come from another world, that he is an extraterrestrial being, and if that were so he would come from Mercury; a planet of short stature, as he was before he signed for FC Barcelona at the age of 13 and, as part of his contract, the Catalan club paid for his treatment with Growth Hormone. Lionel grew up and boy did he grow up, not so much in physical stature, he grew up to be a star capable of eclipsing the Sun itself.

And talk of the Sun inevitably brings to mind Louis XIV of France, known as "The Sun King". That monarch hated Paris, the city where Leo settled after failing to stay in Barcelona, a city of which Louis XIV was a rival count. Coincidences? Totally, but Lionel, with a ball at his feet, can outshine anyone with those impossible breaks and dribbles so comparable to the Versailles aesthetic of that Palace to which Louis XVI moved his court.

“La Pulga” le apodaron algunos, nunca se ha visto tal insecto comparado con una figura retorica tan favorecedora, tal apodo sobrevino de su mesurada estatura, pero terminó encontrando grandísimo sentido en lo complejo que es atrapar a esos pequeños bichos saltarines, Lio, con una pelota en los pies es igual o más escurridizo que sus casi imperceptibles homónimos.

Nicknamed "La Pulga" by some, never has such an insect been seen compared to such a flattering figure of speech, such a nickname came from his measured stature, but ended up finding great meaning in how complex it is to catch those bouncy little buggers, Lio, with a ball at his feet is equally if not more elusive than his almost imperceptible namesakes.

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¿Habrá algo que no se haya dicho ya de Lionel? Ya es difícil aventurarse a describirlo con palabras, en infinidad de ocasiones, los adjetivos se quedan cortos; lo único que tengo claro es que: si te gusta el fútbol, te gusta ver jugar a ese pequeño hombrecillo rosarino que, para muchos, vino de Mercurio y, para otros tantos, bajó a la tierra como una deidad. Ni extraterrestre ni divino, tan humano como todos, y quizá mejor jugador que ningún otro.

Su capacidad para jugar al futbol siempre ha sido más grande que aquella que fue desarrollando su juvenil físico en Barcelona, Lionel nunca dejó de sorprendernos, de jugar con la pelota a placer, dejando rivales en el camino, rivales que eran víctimas de virguerías inimaginables que solo podían explicarse con su nombre propio. Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini.

Is there anything that hasn't already been said about Lionel? It is already difficult to venture to describe him in words, on countless occasions, adjectives fall short; the only thing that is clear to me is that: if you like football, you like to watch this little man from Rosario who, for many, came from Mercury and, for many others, came down to earth like a deity. Neither extraterrestrial nor divine, as human as everyone else, and perhaps a better player than any other.

His ability to play football has always been greater than that which his youthful physique developed in Barcelona, Lionel never ceased to amaze us, to play with the ball at will, leaving opponents in his wake, opponents who were victims of unimaginable feats that could only be explained by his own name. Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini.

Hoy Lionel vive contrastes, unos imposibles de obviar; el FC Barcelona era SU EQUIPO y ahí podía libremente interpretar el futbol a SU VOLUNTAD, la transición al París Saint Germain no ha sido fácil. A lo largo de su carrera Messi disfrutaba más en Barcelona que en su amada albiceleste, pues en selección no encontraba la unión y lo compañeros idóneos para trascender; vueltas de la vida, a día de hoy, Lio tiene en “la Scaloneta” su lugar feliz y en París -su club- no lo es tanto. Un contraste que podría tener el más feliz de los finales en Qatar.

Lio, ese genio incansable, cumple hoy 35 años; edad con la que jugará el que puede ser su último Mundial, no lo sabemos a ciencia cierta, lo decidirá él con el paso del tiempo, lo que sí sabemos todos es que habremos de disfrutar de él pues por desgracia no existe aún un Sol que sea incombustible.

Today Lionel lives contrasts, some impossible to ignore; FC Barcelona was HIS TEAM and there he could freely interpret football at HIS WILL, the transition to Paris Saint Germain has not been easy. Throughout his career Messi enjoyed more in Barcelona than in his beloved Albiceleste, because in the national team he did not find the union and the ideal teammates to transcend; twists of life, today, Lio has in "la Scaloneta" his happy place and in Paris -his club- he is not that happy. A contrast that could have the happiest of endings in Qatar.

Lio, that tireless genius, turns 35 today; the age at which he will play in what may be his last World Cup, we don't know for sure, he will decide with the passing of time, what we all know is that we will have to enjoy him because unfortunately there is still no such thing as a Sun that is incombustible.

Lionel Andrés, un astro que ilumina la galaxia entera:

Lionel Andrés, a star that lights up the entire galaxy:

Fuente imagen de portada

✍🏼: Paco Andújar ⚽

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