Sendero Porto de Cambas💥🌍 / Porto de cambas trail🌳🏃‍♂️

Es una pena entrar en invierno porque aqui en europa el clima es bastante complicado para hacer actividades al aire libre, estos ultimos dos meses han sido de mucha lluvia y cuando aparece el sol aprovecho para realizar algun ejercicio! hoy les traigo un pequeño post donde caminaras conmigo unos 11kilometros y al mismo tiempo podras disfrutar del lindo paisaje que la montaña y las calles rurales del pueblo de "Porto de Cambas".💥🏃‍♂️🌳🌍

It's a shame to go into winter because here in Europe the weather is quite difficult to do outdoor activities, these last two months have been a lot of rain and when the sun appears I take the opportunity to do some exercise! Today I bring you a small post where you will walk with me about 11 kilometers and at the same time you will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the mountains and the rural streets of the town of "Porto de Cambas".🚩🧭🌄🌄

Un Sendero para principiantes🏃‍♂️🧭/A trail for beginners🙇‍♂️🚩

El punto de origen del sendero comenzaba aqui, es la carretera principal que va hacia la aldea de Azeitao, una zona protegida por el gobierno Portugues por ser un area con una reserva natural, apesar de ser protegida hay algunos senderos que son de acceso para los amantes de este deporte, como puedes ver es un sendero señalizado NO circular, sin embargo yo hice unas alteraciones para unir el punto de inicio con el punto final haciendo un total de 11kilometros a caminar! la hora estimada dependera del ritmo de la caminata yo comence a caminar a las 13:21 y termine a las 18:45.🏃‍♂️🚩🌄
The point of origin of the trail began here, it is the main road that goes to the village of Azeitao, an area protected by the Portuguese government for being an area with a nature reserve, despite being protected there are some trails that are accessible to lovers of this sport, as you can see it is a signposted path that is NOT circular, however I made some alterations to join the starting point with the end point, making a total of 11 kilometers to walk! The estimated time will depend on the pace of the walk. I started walking at 1:21 p.m. and finished at 6:45 p.m.😁😁💖💖

El sendero de "Porto de Cambas" es bastante facil de caminar, no presenta ningun tipo de dificultad, y su exigencia fisica es bastante baja, diria que 2/5, tuve que venir abrigado porque apesar de que hace mucho sol el clima ronda los 15 grados pero la zona es bastante humeda y fria cuando pasas por algunos bosques! iremos a recorrer muchos sitios de intereses como una iglesia construida en el siglo XVII tambien una aldea bastante antigua y muchas casas conservan algunas estructuras originales, si tengo suerte podre capturar y fotografiar algunas animales y flores!💥📚🚩
The "Porto de Cambas" path is quite easy to walk, it does not present any kind of difficulty, and its physical demand is quite low, I would say 2/5, I had to come warm because despite the fact that it is very sunny, the weather is around 15 degrees but the area is quite humid and cold when you go through some forests! We will go to visit many places of interest such as a church built in the 17th century, also a fairly old village and many houses retain some original structures, if I am lucky I will be able to capture and photograph some animals and flowers!🏃‍♂️🌄🧭🤯

Paso por la Aldea🏃‍♂️🧭/I pass through the village🙇‍♂️🚩

Bosque protegido mediterranico🌄🌳

Los primeros 3 o 4 kilometros del sendero consisten en realizar una caminata por un camino arenoso que se comunica a un pueblo llamado "Sao Pedro" tiene menos de 500 habitantes y es una zona muy alejada de la ciudad bastante relajante para conectarse con la naturaleza! aqui podemos ver muchas casas que aun conservan su "cercado original con mas de 200 años", este es uno de los senderos mas visitados por los que practican el ciclismo.🚩🧭

The first 3 or 4 kilometers of the trail consist of a walk along a sandy road that connects to a town called "Sao Pedro" has less than 500 inhabitants and is a very relaxing area far from the city to connect with nature! here we can see many houses that still keep their "original fence with more than 200 years", this is one of the most visited trails by those who practice cycling.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🚵‍♂️🚵‍♀️🚴‍♂️

No me creeras pero es bastante facil perderse en este sendero, creo que las señalizaciones no estan bien ubicadas, acabe por recorrer el sendero de forma incorrecta y literalmente di algunas vueltas en "U", quien diria es mas facil perderse en un pueblo que dentro de un bosque... La actividad fue bastante productiva y queme mas de 3mil calorias, lo que mas me interesaba era ejercitar mis musculos para aliviar el dolor que tengo de mi hernia!💥🏃‍♀️🤯🧠
You will not believe me but it is quite easy to get lost on this trail, I think the signs are not well located, I ended up walking the trail the wrong way and literally made a few "U" turns, who would say it is easier to get lost in a town than inside of a forest... The activity was quite productive and I burned more than 3 thousand calories, what interested me the most was exercising my muscles to relieve the pain I have from my hernia!🦿🦾🦷

Sitio de interes🏃‍♂️🧭/Interest site🙇‍♂️🚩

El sendero es fantastico e imposible de aburrirse porque pasamos por algunas zonas que tienen estructuras con un gran valor historico! por ejemplo la "calle de los romanos" que conserva algunas carreteras por donde los romanos se desplazaban para ir a buscar pescados en la costa atlantica, al igual que la iglesia de san pedro una construccion con 200 años que fue restaurada.🧠🧭📚
The path is fantastic and impossible to get bored because we pass through some areas that have structures with great historical value! For example, the "Calle de los Romanos" that preserves some roads where the Romans used to go to look for fish on the Atlantic coast, as well as the Church of San Pedro, a 200-year-old building that was restored.🌍🚩🏃‍♂️

Bosque protegido🏃‍♂️🧭/Protected forest🙇‍♂️🚩

Salida del pueblo🌄🌳

A esta altura de la caminata habia dado unos 6mil pasos mas o menos que equivale a unos 4kilometros, aproveche en comer una manzana, beber agua y obtener energia para la parte mas complicada del sendero que es el bosque de la sierra protegida, aqui ya entramos directamente en la naturaleza y si tenemos suerte podriamos ver algunos zorros o conejos salvajes!🚩🧭

At this point in the walk, I had taken about 6,000 steps, more or less, which is equivalent to about 4 kilometers. I took advantage of eating an apple, drinking water and getting energy for the most complicated part of the trail, which is the forest of the protected sierra, here we already entered directly in nature and if we are lucky we might see some foxes or wild rabbits!🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🚵‍♂️🚵‍♀️🚴‍♂️

Esta sin duda es mi parte favorita de los senderos cuando tengo la posibilidad de sentarme un momento y descansar mientras respiro el aire limpio de la montaña! apesar que no estoy propiamente dentro de la sierra montañosa el paisaje aqui es casi "virgen" porque esta prohibido cualquier tipo de construccion y eso nos permite disfrutar de una caminata relajante y solitaria! luego de aqui deberia de llegar a la carretera principal y completaria los 11 kilometros!🦿🏃‍♂️🚩
This is hands down my favorite part of the trails when I get to sit down for a moment and rest while breathing in the clean mountain air! Despite the fact that I am not really inside the mountain range, the landscape here is almost "virgin" because any type of construction is prohibited and that allows us to enjoy a relaxing and solitary walk! After here you should reach the main road and complete the 11 km!🧠🚵‍♂️🚵‍♀️

Ultimos 3 kilometros🏃‍♂️🧭/last 3 km🙇‍♂️🚩

Fue una aventura fantastica, aprendi cosas interesantes sobre la cultura portuguesa al pasear por un acuaducto romano y una carretera con cientos de años de antiguedad, pude disfrutar de algunos insectos que nunca habia visto, me senti fisicamente bastante bien y mi cuerpo me agradecio esta caminata! una vez mas apesar de haberme perdido logre mi objetivo y disfrute de un dia soleado que en invierno son pocos!🧠🏃‍♂️💥🌍
It was a fantastic adventure, I learned interesting things about the Portuguese culture by walking through a Roman aquaduct and a road hundreds of years old, I was able to enjoy some insects that I had never seen before, I felt physically quite good and my body thanked me for this walk ! Once again, despite having lost myself, I achieved my goal and enjoyed a sunny day, which in winter is rare!🧭📚🌄💖


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