Cardio Hit a poca Luz💪🔥 || Cardio Hit in Low Light💪🔥 [Esp-Eng]



Feliz Viernes amigos de @fulldeportes espero todos anden excelente por acá!! Hoy quiero compartirles una rutina de Cardio Hit que hice para no dejar el dia en cero, porque honestamente tenia cero ganas de entrenar! Desde anoche está lloviendo por acá, y ultimamente no puede caer unas goticas porque se va la luz cosa que ocurrio a las 2am :) y no regresó sino hasta las 12pm asi que mi humor no era el mejor del mundo, sumado a un monton de cosas que atravieso, pero sin duda como he dicho antes, el ejercicio es para drenaaar, asi que despues de que mi esposo me preguntara 64489 veces si entrenaria. Acepté y lo hicimos juntos jeje!! Hicimos una rutina de teen superior super agotadora. Pero al final yo hice un hit de 10 minutos que es el que les compartiré a continuación 👇👇

Happy Friday friends of @fulldeportes I hope you all are doing great here! Today I want to share with you a Cardio Hit routine I did to not leave the day at zero, because honestly I had zero desire to train! Since last night it's been raining here, and lately it can't fall a few drops because the power went out which happened at 2am :) and it didn't come back until 12pm so my mood was not the best in the world, plus a lot of things that I go through, but without a doubt as I said before, exercise is to drain, so after my husband asked me 64489 times if I would train. I agreed and we did it together hehehe!!!! We did a super strenuous upper teen routine. But in the end I did a 10 minute hit which is the one I will share with you below 👇👇.



Vamos a iniciar con Rodillas al pecho, vamos a saltar tratando de llevar lo mas cerca de nuestro pecho, las rodillas seguramente se iran moviendo del sitio donde iniciaron como yo😂 pero bueno lo importante es hacer el movimiento completo



Let's start with Knees to the chest, we will jump trying to get as close to our chest, the knees will surely move from the place where they started as I did😂 but the important thing is to do the whole movement




En el segundo ejercicio vamos a realizar saltos laterales con toques, si saltamos hacia la derecha, con la mano izquierda tocamos el suelo, y viceversa



In the second exercise we are going to perform lateral jumps with touches, if we jump to the right, with the left hand we touch the ground, and vice versa.



En el tercer ejercicio vamos a trabajar un poco el abdomen y es que nos vamos a colocar diagonal y.vamos a llevar la pierna hacia atras, y los brazos hacia arriba para luego llevar la rodilla al frente y los brazos hacia ella, es una especie de jalon


In the third exercise we are going to work a little bit the abdomen and we are going to place ourselves diagonally and we are going to take the leg backwards, and the arms upwards and then take the knee to the front and the arms towards it, it is a kind of pull up.




En el cuarto ejercicio vamos a realizar una sentadilla con repiqueteo, vamos a contar 4 y hacemos la sentadilla el repiqueteo es rapido



In the fourth exercise we are going to perform a squat with a kick, we are going to count 4 and do the squat, the kick is fast.




Aca vamos a realizar saltos de tijera, solo que aca yo modifiqué un poco el movimiento de mis brazos para darle mayor enfoque a los hombros



Here we are going to perform jumping jacks, only here I modified the movement of my arms a little bit to give more focus to the shoulders.




Para finalizar vamos a realizar un sentadilla con un pequeño salto, como se muestra en el Gif, el salto cortico y despues volvemos hacia el punto de inicio, cayendo en sentadilla



To finish we will perform a squat with a small jump, as shown in the Gif, the short jump and then return to the starting point, falling into a squat.



Okey como dije al principio, este es un entrenamiento HIT lo que significa que haremos cada ejercicio durante 40 segundos, descansando solo 20 entre cada ejercicio, al terminar los 6 ejercicios, iniciamos la ronda nuevamente, es decir no habrá descanso entre rondas, fueron 4 rondas en total, 24min que dejaran tus pulsaciones A MIL, no les voy a mentir, ES AGOTADOOR 😂😂 quedé literalmente con la lengua 😝 afuera, pero si super valio la pena🔥🔥 asi que espero que al menos uno de aca se anime y lo haga☺️☺️ ahi me cuentan que tal jeje

Okey as I said at the beginning, this is a HIT workout which means that we will do each exercise for 40 seconds, resting only 20 seconds between each exercise, when we finish the 6 exercises, we start the round again, that is to say there will be no rest between rounds, there were 4 rounds in total, 24min that will leave your heart rate A THOUSAND, I'm not going to lie, it's exhausting 😂😂 I was literally with my tongue 😝 out, but it was really worth it🔥🔥 so I hope at least one of you from here will do it and haga☺️☺️ let me know how it goes jeje


PD: De antemano pido disculpas por la poca calidad de los videos, como comenté al principio no tenia electricidad en este momento y hasta el sol se aprecio jaja todo estaba nublado, pero no queria perder la oportunidad de grabar la rutina.

PS: In advance I apologize for the poor quality of the videos, as I said at the beginning I had no electricity at this time and even the sun was appreciated haha everything was cloudy, but I did not want to miss the opportunity to record the routine.
Todos los videos los grabé con mi Redmi 9
Portada editada en PicsArt

All videos were recorded with my Redmi 9
Cover edited in PicsArt

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