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Full Deportes con Leo Thread: Iniciativa + Resultados / Full Sports with Leo Thread: Initiative + Results

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     La Comunidad de FULL DEPORTES y LeoFinance tenemos el agrado de presentarles la Iniciativa de esta semana dirigida a todos los Hivers, ya que no es imperativo que seas miembro activo de la comunidad para participar y ganar premios.

     Esta semana te tenemos la siguiente pregunta:

     The FULL SPORTS Community and LeoFinance are pleased to present this week's Initiative aimed at all Hivers, as it is not imperative that you are an active member of the community to participate and win prizes.
      This week we have the following question for you:

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Participar es muy fácil, te explicamos:

1- Entra a 👉THREAD

2- Sube una foto o imagen de esos Eternos Rivales Deportivos que siempre te emociona ver en un Encuentro.

3- Cuéntanos brevemente que te emociona de verlos enfrentarse

4- Elige la Comunidad de Full Deportes, con esto estarás usando el tag 👉 #fulldeportes

5- Y publica tu Thread 👍

¡Eso es todo! ¡Ya estas participando con solo hacer esto!

! [ENGLISH VERSION] Participating is very easy, here we explain:
1- Log in 👉THREAD
2- Upload a photo or image of those Eternal Sports Rivals that you are always excited to see in a match.
3- Tell us briefly what excites you to see them face each other.
4- Choose the Full Deportes Community, with this you'll be using the tag 👉 #fulldeportes
5- And publish your Thread 👍
That's all! You are already participating just by doing this!

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Plazo para Participar en esta Iniciativa: Son solo 3 días:

Desde el Viernes 25-08-2023 a las 00:00 VEN (04:00 UTC)

Hasta el Domingo 27-08-2023 a las 23:59 VEN (03:59 UTC)

! [ENGLISH VERSION]Deadline to Participate in this Initiative: There are only 3 days:
From Friday 25-08-2023 at 00:00 VEN (04:00 UTC)
Until Sunday 27-08-2023 at 23:59 VEN (03:59 UTC)

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LeoFinance votará todos los Threads ingeniosos!

Los 5 Threads con más comentarios ganaran 10 $LEO

3 random Threads publicados en la comunidad durante el fin de semana ganaran 1 $HBD

LeoFinance will vote on all witty Threads!
The 5 Threads with the most comments will win 10 $LEO
3 random Threads posted in the community during the weekend will earn 1 $HBD

      Si aún no sabes cómo realizar un Thread, te invitamos a ver el Tutorial que presentamos en la Publicación Full Deportes con Leo Threads cuando se comenzó esta increíble Iniciativa de LeoFinance y las Comunidades de Hive.

      Deseamos que te animes y participes semana a semana en esta Iniciativa que te permite:

  • Optar a Premios
  • Interactuar en el Ecosistema
  • Aumentar tu Exposición

! [ENGLISH VERSION]       If you still don't know how to make a Thread, we invite you to see the Tutorial that we present in the Publication Full Deportes with Leo Threads when this incredible started LeoFinance Initiative and Hive Communities.
      We want you to be encouraged and participate week by week in this Initiative that allows you to:
Opt for Prizes
Interact in the Ecosystem
Increase your Exposure

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     En la tercera Iniciativa tuvimos a varios de los integrantes de la Comunidad Full Deportes que demostraron su motivación e interacción, compartiendo ese Mundial de Futbol que recordarán por siempre.

     Agradecemos haber compartido ese material tan personal y valioso para uds, que engalanó nuestro Feed en LeoFinance, se les admira y los invitamos a seguir interactuando y creando Threads creativos y de valor para Hive.

     Considerando lo anteriormente expuesto, nosotros la Comunidad de FULL DEPORTES y LeoFinance tenemos el agrado de presentar a los Ganadores de la Iniciativa y sus Premios:

                       In the third Initiative we had several members of the Full Deportes Community who demonstrated their motivation and interaction, sharing that World Cup they will remember forever.
                       We thank you for sharing such personal and valuable material for you, which adorned our Feed in LeoFinance, we admire you and invite you to continue interacting and creating creative and valuable threads for Hive.
                      Considering the above, we the FULL SPORTS Community and LeoFinance are pleased to present the Initiative Winners and their Awards:


@edfer18 @soylegionario @oscarcampos86


@edfer18 @soylegionario @oscarcampos86

...¡Gracias por ver! // Thanks for watching..!

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P.S. English is not our native language, apologize for that.
We used a web translator for English text and the sub-titles (DeepL)

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Créditos / Credits

Logos de @hive @leofinance @fulldeportes