Sometimes life can feel like a Godzilla dropkick...

What was Godzilla listening to before fighting Megalon???

Dropkick Murphys!

img_0.575925318706639.jpgBonus Meme!

Yes, the anachronism is noted.馃摑 version with audio

I wrote a few words of encourage / life advice on that post. We all get down from time to time but be like Megalon and pick yourself back up! (Preferably not for another dropkick but hey what doesn't kill us..)

No, I am not currently depressed, at least, not anymore but I believe this meme captures how it feels when sometimes life events can hit you when you're already down.

When unforeseen circumstances bring us down, we have options. We can stay down and buckle under it or stand back up and face it. Megalon chose the latter and maybe he did take another drop kick but perhaps we sometimes need a couple figurative drop kicks to bring us back into reality.

So we can make necessary changes to our thinking, lifestyle and habits (or medication if needed). Now, I didn't intend to wax philosophically in sharing this meme video but here we are.

In any case, I saw the video shared on Reddit and thought, "This would make a great meme template." Yes, indeed. I will be sharing the GIF blank template on MemeHub if you would like to make your own variant.

Remember, don't let the Godzilla drop kicks of life keep you down! 馃憣

If you have a dtube account, appreciate if you would hook it up with an upvote if you enjoy the content. Curation /engagement has been kinda meh for me over there. Hopefully it gets better. Thanks!

Blank GIF template

Do you want to get into the advanced meme making business? Maybe some animated GIFs on the fly?

Give ZomboDroid Video and GIF Memes Pro a try!

It's what I use on Android. Here's a link:

P.S. Don't forget to join the Memehub community to contribute to the dankness on Hive.

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