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Beware the Vowel Beast! 🦎

While reviewing comments on a brutal nature video (WARNING: NSFL), I came across my first "boneappletea" in the wild.
Pun wasn't intended but I'll take it.

In case you are a little slow to the draw, the intended phrase was "Vile Beast" and not "Vowel Beast".

What is BoneAppleTea?


"Bone Apple Tea", also known as "Bone App the Teeth", are phrases mimicking the French expression "bon appétit" ("enjoy your meal" in English), which are often used sarcastically to caption photographs of unappetizing food online. The phrase "bone apple tea" has mutated even farther, to things that only remotely sound like the original phrase, like "boneless feet". Additionally, "Bone Apple Tea" is a general name for any misspelling that involves replacing words with similarly-sounding words or combinations, such as "Twisted Fucking Cycle Path."

Source: KnowYourMeme


Have you ever came across a case of BoneAppleTea on the Internet or IRL? Share in the comments.

Credit to /u/backrack for posting the video link on the /r/natureismetal thread

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