Deck the Halls, Not Debt: Year-End Budgeting

The year is gradually coming to an end, and there are a lot of things to be purchased. The holidays come with their own set of bills. And if care is not taken, we just enter the New Year with a lot of debt.

In my country, there is always this running joke every December. We call it Detty December, which connotes that people will plan to spend lavishly in December just to show off.

For example, ladies will buy expensive wigs and clothes, shoes, and even the latest phones. While the men will probably buy the latest cars, watches, etcetera, in a bid to look rich and well to do.

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And after all this, January shows up faster than they expected, and the holiday fog quickly and wickedly clears from their eyes. Now they realize that they don’t have any money left for the New Year.

I will be taking us through how I plan to budget for the rest of the year so that we can avoid the aftermath of Detty December.

Budgeting Tips

1 Plan Ahead: It always helps to plan ahead of time, so you don’t end up stuck and broke. We have in fact reached the end of the year, but it’s not too late to start planning.

It’s common for the prices of commodities to increase around December, so it will be smart to make a list of the things we want to get and purchase them before they become more expensive.

If the cash needed for these items is not available, we could use what we have. In my case, I’ll need to install some braids for Christmas, so I’m going to use this period to secure the materials necessary to get it done.

2 Set realistic goals: Not everybody has the same purchasing power, so it will be unwise to imitate that of others. Take into account your income, debts, and regular expenses on a normal day.

And then plan accordingly. You already know the range of prices you can afford, so keep that in mind when drafting out your budget.


3 Avoid unnecessary expenses : The holidays usually come with a lot of spending, so a great way to save more is to cut down on unnecessary things. Not everything we spend on is absolutely important.

For example, eating out or subscribing to services like data or apps. These activities give us joy, but in the long run, we can see that they actually take up a significant portion of our budget. So it would be wise to reduce them or cut them out entirely in order to save up for the approaching holiday.

4 Go easy on the gifts and decorations: Two very important things that complete the holiday season are gifts and decorations. It’s no fun when we celebrate without them. The children look forward to receiving gifts, and those priceless smiles are not what we might be willing to compromise.

A great way to decorate and get gifts on a budget is DIY. A little research will show you a lot of amazing DIY gifts and decorations, perfect for the holidays. This way, you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg on expensive gifts.

5 Involve family and friends: Finally, discussing our plans and expectations with our loved ones is another great way to budget without letting them down. Communicate with them about your financial power and join heads together.

You never know; they might also be going through some difficulties as well. Collectively, you all can plan a budget friendly celebration without placing a huge dent in your wallets.

I hope that these few tips of mine can help you plan the perfect pocket friendly holiday.

@fashtioluwa @sommylove check out the Hive Philippines Monthly Contest!

Happy Bonifacio Day in advance, and I hope you enjoy the approaching holidays.

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