The Joy of Togetherness

the joy of Togetherness is immeasurable

Last month, my bother and sister inlaws went howlme to gather to celebrate my mother in law's birthday; she turned 67 this year.

They agreed to to a river to bathe and soak but scheduled it on a Saturday so I could not make it since I'm stil at work. My husband and kids came and they all enjoyed.

The next day, Sunday, the decided to make coconut refreshments and took me to my uncles farm to get some. With us is my Lisa, Riza, dimple and her boyfriend, Vani, his wife and daughter, and two boyfriends of Lisa's daughters to climb the coconut tree.

Honestly, hubby tagged me along because it was my uncle's property. We who ride. Motorcycle arrived 20 minutes earlier than the ones who ride a tricab so I took my time keeping dried coconut leaves and husks home. So we could use it when time comes.

After a while they came and the boys started to climb the tree and harvested to young coconuts. Some were assigned to open, some scraped some ate! It took us a while to gather much since everyone was eating first before they could gather.

My sister in laws are cool but my husband is the coolest! His two sisters are great cook and they are beautiful! Vani knows a little about electrical thingy and my mom in law depends on him to fix and install anything.

Every morning and afternoon, my mother in law makes us coffee and everyone loves how it tastes! Very different for what me and my husband makes and everyone looks forward to in in the morning and afternoon.

When we arrived home, Nene prepared the coconut and Lisa cooked pancakes to pair it with. And it's true tha food is even more delicious when there are many that gathers round. The food may be simple but the joy of Togetherness brings a unique flavor to food. Also, jokes re cracked and laughters burst around the table making the gathering even more enjoyable.

I love huge gatherings like this, and I know my husband does too so everytine I knew that my in laws area around, I encourage him to go and he tags us along.

Sometimes, I honestly don't like going especially when the introvert in me kicks hard. There are even times when I get mad for going when I have mountains of laundry at home and a messy house and the chores ccould not be done when tiredness elgulfs me.

One downside in gatherings though is that not everyone thinks of giving their share for food expenses especially when no one asks them to whine they alredy knew the oldies did not have a budget for food and they don't have an income anymore. There. Sure are downside in everything and it varies in every person on how to react and how much to react.

Anyway, life is a balance of up and down, bitter and sad and I guess thats what makes us feel that we are alive!
What's important is that the mother in law is happy that her kids remembered her special day and made the day special for her even in simple ways.

And oh, I almost forgot, hubby and Vani slaughtered chicken that morning for viand and father in law cooked chicken soup for her daughter who just gave birth.

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If you reach thsi far, I thank you for your efforand support. Keep safe and be blessed!

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