Hitching a Ride and Remembering that one Awful Moment

Have you ever hitched a free ride? Some people may not have because they prefer going on a commute or have their own cars but as for a poor me, I like to hitch free rides especially when I know the people behind the wheels.

I work on a feed mill plant and before I got transferred here, I was working with the same boss on a slaughter plant. My boss owns a hog and egg farm and the hogs are delivered straight to the slaughter house where the customers pick the meat after being slaughtered. He is a smart guy eh? Owning a hog farm and holding a triple A slaughter house ensures his income. And that's the only slaughter house that is allowed to supply meat in the locality.

Way back 7 years ago, I had to travel for about an hour to reach my workplace. Commute takes even longer because they had to stop whenever a passenger need to ride or go down.

But sometimes, I can hitch a ride on a huge hog trucks I call limousine. Wonder why? They may be bad smelling but the hogs in there makes a lot of money making the vehicle and what it carry even more valuable.

But four years ago, I was transferred to the feed mill plant and the travel I had to take is even shorter; 5 minutes but the fare I pay is the same as the one I used to pay for almost an hour ride due to inflation and many factors.

Last week, I got very lucky to hitch a free ride again. I miss the free ride so much (and almost late too) riding on a huge truck is so much fun especially with awesome people like them who treats me like Disney princess 😁 lol.

At that time hitch riding is still okay because ASF still did not exist and prohibition is useless since we were all going to the slaughter house where all kinds of bacteria and viruses are all in one place.

But since I am now assigned in the feed mill, biosecurity had been very important and what I did was something of prohibition. But I don't wanna be late for work and they too had to stop to fetch or deliver documents from the farm which is kind of the same thing, it's just that I delivered myself 😉.

Remembering that awful experience

My experience in hitching a ride is not always fun. There was a time when I hitched a free ride and the driver did not know he hit a pedestrian who stood on the center of the road waiting for the clearing on the other side.

The driver was distracted by his phone; (at that time he seem to have a relationship with someone in the office and they have conversations over the phone for many hours) and did not notice her because she was already too close to the truck. All I heard was a low thump which I assumed she got hit near the driver's s door first and sent the woman to the other vehicle and hit her once more which led to her death.

Since the driver did not notice, we were stopped by some vehicle and the driver panicked; asking me what to do and I told him to leave the truck and go to the police station to surrender and avoid getting hit by the bystanders.

I called the office and reported what happened and left towards home after it was arranged; I made sure not to look at the deceased so I won't have a hard time forgetting her. The driver got detained of course and the helper walked the paper works and brought him dinner. Investigations followed till the next few days and there his relationship with an office mate was confirmed.

He later got bailed and dismissed from work after another mistake. The company paid the family in exchange of not filing a case against them and there I realized that a person's life is really just worth a penny for others. I felt bad for the family especially to the kids she left behind.

The incident only halted me to hitch a ride for a few weeks and went back hitch riding after since they make a faster way towards home.

There was even a time when I was quiet on the passenger seat and did not notice thati already had a sleeping feet and when I went down the huge truck, I lost balance and fell to the ground hurting my hand for making sure I won't hit my head. It hurts a lot but due to my embarrassment, I laughed it off and still hitched a ride in the evening.

Hitch riding is where I learnt form the driver and helper about looking at sexy women along the road. Sometimes I realized I should be offended because they are women then it dawn's on me that they won't be a subject of fun if they won't show a lot of skin. Because you know, men are men and they just can't help looking at things like skin especially when their other half is not around. As for me, I dress modestly but they didn't bring that on me so I did not get offended.

Their behavior made me curious about what my husband would do if I am not around and his friends are, he admitted his friends normally would poke fun but he only laughs along with them keeping in mind the respect for women. He even says whenever he sees sexy ladies, he would check the armpits if the woman had also taken care of them and when they do, that's when he would appreciate her.

It alarmed me at first then he gave me assurance; I realized I do that too, I appreciate women whose face looks good and armpits are pretty too.

Oh well l, I'm going out from the topic but it's really nice to blab the things in here. Spitting out your woes and all makes one feel lighter and better especially when finding someone who can relate and sympathize.

Well this will be all for now, if yo reached this far, thank your for your time and attention, I hope I made sense in my words written.

Hope to see you around! Keep safe and satay happy!

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