Czak's Birthday was a Mess!

Czak's Birthday was a Mess and It was probably because of me.

Yesterday, November 9, 2023 was my son's fourth birthday, I went home early from work and prepared food for dinner as a celebration.

The plan was simple:

  • Cake
  • Candle
  • Coke
  • Balloons
  • Dinner

Those were the things I knew that would make him happy so I squeezed out funds for him.

All I wanted was for the day to be perfect yet a series of failures happened:

Failed Cake Icing

The eggs I bought for cake Icing are not fresh; The egg whites I collected were too few and I did not reduce the caramelized sugar I added to the meringue causing it to fall. When I decorated it on teh cake, went down and I was not happy about it.

Pardon the picture I took,
I was feeling so heavy at that time.

No candles and balloons

I was too busy preparing the cake and food and I and my husband forgot about the candle and balloons for him.

The tarp I printed was not taped and displayed.

I printed a paper tarp at work using the windows publisher tool and brought it home, it was the second time I printed the same material because the one I printed first got lost along teh way home teh day before.

The tarp was not taped together because the scotch tape I bought was nowhere to be found and the kids just says "I don't know" when I asked them where they put it after they played

Failed Pork Humba

The day before his birthday, we bought pork meat and other ingredients for pork humba but there was very little pork fat and it became adobo-like dish with pork humba ingredients.

Burnt Rice

My husband cooked rice in my mother's house where dinner would happen, but then he decided to get Czak from my in-laws' house and did not tell me about the rice. When I checked, the upper part was already brown and there was a thick scorch at the bottom and sides.

Good thing, the only visitors we had were my uncle and his family or I would have been much more pressured by what happened


You see, everything was a mess, and hated it, my heart was very heavy while waiting for everyone to gather at the table to eat but then I realized that despite all the failures, I should still be thankful because we are all together at home. We face challenges together and succeed, God is on our side and blesses us every day in every way.

It made me realize that I should be thankful for the good health of my family, seeing each other smile and genuinely happy.

Suddenly, the heaviness I felt in my heart was lifted, and decided to enjoy the moment; I said "Importante Buhi" (We're alive and that's what is important")

We all enjoyed the food, my sister @pjprincess01 contributed tapioca dessert and cassava cake. My birthday boy did not eat anything but cake and coke. @eylii and the other kids enjoyed watching TV while other grown ups were talking about politics and life.

After dinner, I washed the dishes while they continued their talks, and went to @tonton23 who headed first at home. We talked about what happened and told me I should never do something myself again. I told him my reaction was normal, Who wouldn't be mad about messy birthday right?

In the end, he allowed me, he can't stop me anyway haha.

Perhaps next time, I should prepare a week ahead and stick to the plan, I should be the one to buy all the needed materials and ingredients so everything will be close to perfect.

At the end of the day I realized that my son was happy about the celebration of his birthday. My uncle gave him 50 pesos before heading home. He brought cake at home and continued to eat enjoying his treat.

I hope his next birthday experience will be better.

Always Praying for better things

I'll end thsi post for now, it's 6:04 pm Nov. 10, 2023 And I had to go home. I'll see you in a bit, keep safe and stay happy!

Your support means so much to me.


All text and images in this post are mine (be they captured by my Huawei Y9s phone camera or made using some tools stated) unless stated otherwise

made in canva

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