Bas-uy sa Saluyot!

Not everyone considers vegetables as delicacies but my kids love Saluyot soup! I doubt you like it because of its slimy texture, just like okra, am I right?

My entry for HivePH's #KwentongKusina Nourishing food Delights

I don't even know if this entry would be legible to the contest but I'll give it a go anyway. Honestly, due to my hectic schedule, I and my husband had been consuming fast-to-cook food; eggs be it sunny side up or scrambles, hotdogs and my specialty, the dish which I could cook perfectly: pancit canton, and noodle soup sometimes. We do consume meat sometimes too.

Now back to bas-uy, the dish became a delicacy when my eldest daughter had a fever and she did not want to eat anything. I guess she got sick because she got wet with the rain and she missed her grandpa who passed away.

She was getting weak and had to improvise so she would eat but then I remembered that the soup is my father's favorite. I asked he to taste it and she liked it. I added rice too. I gave her paracetamol then the next day she was okay.

My kids loved their grandpa so much and they remember him often. The same scenario happened last month but it was my second child that got a fever, we cooked her malungay and saluyot soup and the next day she was okay.

Not everyone likes bas-uy. some(my mama) prefers to cook vegetables by sauteeing the meat first and then adding the vegetables and it is what I got used to. My husband introduced me to basy-uy and I liked it, no oil, just natural and so healthy.

How to cook

There are many times I tried to cook bas-uy, apparently, it was easy because one only needs to boil water, add ginger, onions, lemon grass, and salt to taste and when the water boils, add the vegetable. If the dish consists of eggplant, squash, chayote, those will be added to the water first, and when almost tender, add the leafy vegetables. But make sure not to boil it for too long because the taste will be altered.

My hubby does almost all the cooking because he is a good cook than me, but there are times that I was left with no choice because he had to do something more important that I could not do(we exchange chores, if I had to cook sometimes) my vegetable did not taste good.

The Secret

My mother-in-law is the queen of bas-uy!

We leave(my hubby takes) our son to his mother's house every morning from Mondays to Saturdays, and we pick him up every evening when I go out from work and sometimes, Nanay is finished cooking dinner and she feeds my son when we get there. If their ulam is bas-uy, my husband always asks for soup, mother's cooking is always best ain't it? I get jealous of course but what can I do? I'm a bad cook. But yeah I agree with my hubby, nanay cooks the best bas-uy.

One day, while eating with her soup, I told her that I tried cooking many times but the food I make is not goo, then she told me;

  • You should not feel angry when y ou cook, you must be happy in doing it

  • you must love what you do especially that you cook it for the one you love

  • When you add salt, add it in one-time only. Estimate how much salt you should put in a pot and be confident about it that it will make the food taste good.

Do you cook the way my Nanay does?

Because when I tried it, it really improved the taste of the food I made.

Anyway, here are the photos of freshly-picked vegetables form the garden.

That will be all for now, thank you you so much for your support and time, Keep safe and be happy always. Hey @jb123, and sis @jurich60, sis @diosarich I bet you have an amazing entry to this wonderful contest!

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