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First Day of Feeding Program in our Daycare Center. A rice porridge for every kid.

Hello lovely hivers and hello Hive PH Community. I hope you are having a good day today. As I am typing this one , the heavy rain pours while my son is sleeping. From a sunny weather earlier to bed weather real quick.

It's Monday today and my son went to daycare. Today is the first day of the feeding program held by DSWD. Last Friday when we had a parents meeting regarding this matter and we need to participate on cooking the daily meal of the chicken. The teacher dividend us on five groups from Monday to Friday and since we don't have any kitchen tools in the school we will just cook it on one of the member who assigned on that day.

The feeding program has different food or menu prepared by DSWD. They have ready to cook rice porridge, carbonara, champorado , mungbean soup and even nutribun. Threy also have a fresh carabao milk but it will be available on the next coming weeks.

For today's food the group 1 cook some rice porridge for the kids. As a mother of a picky eater child I have doubts if my son will eat it. The other mothers are relatable to me as thier children is also picky eater. The teacher told us not to bring any food except from water because the children needs to eat the food from the feeding program and after a month they will check the weight of the kids.

It's 10:30 AM after they do the coloring when the feeding program started. I am waiting outside the room and looking at my son if he will eat the rice porridge. After a couple of minutes when they already distributed the food the teacher allowed us to go inside and to assist our children because the rice porridge is hot.

I told my son to eat the rice porridge so that he will be strong like what the teacher said to them. I am glad that he eat the rice porridge and even told me that it's yummy.

I am happy watching my son eating the rice porridge together with the other kids. Some of the kids asked for one more serving but my son was already satisfied with one.

I asked thier teacher if I can buy some rice porridge packs on the supermarket because my son eat it and I want to prepare it in the house but sadly that is only available on the feeding program purposes.

There's a lot of rice porridge left over and teacher told us to have some take out. Good thing my niece brought some lunch box and I get some for my son's lunch.

And here's the rice porridge that I take out for my son and he ate it for lunch.

Tomorrow I am one of the parents who assigned for cooking and preparing and we will be cooking creamy carbonara. I hope my son will also like it.

That's all for todays blog guys. Thank you for reading.