" A Piece I Authored"


First of all, I would like to extend my gratitude to this platform. I genuinely appreciate your purpose and mission as a community, specifically, for allowing diverse writers to share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions in terms of writing. Frankly, I was taken aback that this platform allows experiences, adventures, and creativity to be felt and seen. To be broadcast to others either as an inspiration, motivation, or just as a simple appreciation. In addition, I would like to express my gratefulness to my friend @ayane-chan for introducing this brilliant platform and giving this chance to let my musings flow within the words and lines I inscribed. I was actually enthralled that at last I would be able to convey my own chapters with the piece I solely authored. So to start with, here is me, myself, and I.


My life started when my mom brought me into this world as the first born. I was spoiled and loved, yet, when my younger siblings came. I was slap by reality that it's not gonna be me who's now in the first line. For the attention, support, love, and everything one can think of. However, I was not mad about it. Especially, when the unexpected began to challenged our family. I was able to stand up on my own even as a third grader. I swallowed my childhood and avert my life focusing to what was left to me...my sisters.


There's been too much that had come and go. I was able to know the word "responsibility" even though some might not. Imagine that age? It was too heavy to carry but I was left with no choice nor exit. Yet, then I thought "I do have a choice, and I am going to do it right". There, I decided this is my life. I just need to know the right steps or words I will write in the next chapter. It is like a piece that I authored and it depends on me how to turn the events. Laughable, right? Truth? Yes and until now I carried this perception.


This makes me who I am today. I might still be in college, yet, I've done hardwork with blood and tears mixed together.

Moreover, I have grown attached to reality. This is not about purple or lavender as my favorite color nor, chocolate as my favorite snack. Or, how much I want to explore Japan and Europe anymore. I must face the reality that's waiting for me. I don't need to whine for my lost childhood or blame no one for the burdens life caused me. Because, honestly, I would not be as strong and reliable as I am today without all of it. So, I am grateful and I will live with no regrets. All of these might have it's purpose. However, and most importantly this piece is about me. Myself as the protagonist and I can do anything as long as I believe and take the step.



Hello, I am "Yang"-

Young and untamed. Creative and innate. Adventurer and curious, yet, mostly erudite and modest. Few words, as an introductory. However, this is not my piece's ending. Withal, the story is yet to arise to the next event. So, I look forward to all of you witnessing my next chapters and as I get back. My stories will apprise all of you, me as the protagonist. Thank you and see you soon.


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