The Fascinating Cloud Formations

Hello hivers! Have a blessed day, to all of us! Join me as I share my story today.

Have you ever wondered about clouds? How they appear attractively in the sky? How do they group themselves to create attraction to the universe?

Yesterday, as I walked from the cemetery to visit my departed loved ones, I found out from the sky about the amazing different cloud formations.

Walking under the beautiful sight couldn't feel us exhausted; instead, we continued to hang on and wandered our eyes to explore more clouds in the sky.


It was exactly five in the afternoon, and it's getting dark when these clouds appear in the sky. Everyone showed enthusiasm for looking at the clouds. I got my cellphone and took a photo of it. This is the first cloud on which I've focus. It is located on the southwest side of the northern part of Cebu.

There are different colors of clouds; some of them are white, yellow, orange, and dark gray. The colors have something to tell us, according to my observation, when it turns dark gray, it will be about to rain.

According to science, there are different reasons why clouds are formed, and it involves water vapor. When it cannot hold anymore, it gets condensed and the air gets colder. Soon it will rain. But for me as an ordinary individual, I find it amazing when they appear in the sky.


The light that turned yellowish-orange completed the total beauty of the clouds. My daughters asked me many questions about how the clouds are formed, but I cannot answer them correctly. We will search it together to enlighten their curiosity.

It is worth appreciating, I cannot stop myself looking at the sky. It has always been my pleasure to appreciate natural creatures. How amazing God perfectly made it and created many wonders on earth!


This cloud is not visible anymore because it was already dark outside, but I included it in my collection. The lights have turned gray now, and the small clouds look like birds flying in the sky. Slowly, we pause and continue to watch the clouds, even if they are already dark. Still, there is a little light in the sky.


This one looks like an angel in the sky; it seemed it was flying. As I imagine it, it has wings and a tail. But we have different imaginations when looking at an object.

All our conversation is all about the amazing clouds, until we almost reach home. My eldest daughter positioned herself on the east side of the earth and took another cloud there.


The only star appeared on the east side; maybe it was the brightest star that shines so brightly. We found out that the clouds appeared earlier slowly disappeared; maybe there are no more lights in the sky.

Evening comes, and we get inside in our house, but the scenic beauty of the clouds still lingered in my mind. I uttered a little appreciation to God for all the wonders he created for us.

Clouds are like whispers from the heavens, reminding us to look up and appreciate the world above. -

It maybe ordinary and simple cloud formation, but it brings happiness to me everytime I see it in the sky.

I hope you can spend a little time reading my blog. Thank you and God bless!

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