The hell I experienced after the operation is nerve-wracking and scary!

If you don't want to experience the worst, you should probably start taking care of your body now or else, you will end up just like who swore that I don't ever want to take the same operation ever again! This won't really happen if only I take care of myself more.


I had my first operation year 2017 and it was so easy, I didn't experience anything major. In fact, after the operation I feel more alive, I just maybe a little groggy that time because of the anaesthesia but that's it. After that, everything is well. But today, after my operation yesternight, I feel like sh*t!


I'm also complaining something in my throat that made me want to vomit. I'm also coughing which has lot of blood washing with it. And I really really want to remove that something in my throat which cause me to vomit more blood. I am determined to clear that something in my throat and seriously, a lot of blood was with it. Because of that they have to buy blood for me. It's stressed me out so much that hell that I experience that I'm swearing in my head that never again! If only I know that this is what I will experience, I should have never proceed with the operation. But then, I have to suffer for a long time if I ended up not doing it.


Another thing that stressing me is that I'm staying in the recovery room for too long that I'm worried to my Mommy F who came with us here in the hospital. They have to monitor me in the RR that they can't bring me yet to my room. I heard that Mom cried again because of that. But it's good to know that Dr. Ricardo visit my Mom to assure her that the operation went well.


I'm also thankful to my brother, sister rather, lol - who travel back home to accompany me on this day. He is the one who take care of everything like running around here and there to get this and that even in the middle of the night. And because of that Mom has now given him a title "our runner." Haha. He is amazing, I'm not sure if I can also do that especially Im not familiar with this place. I really really appreciate him.


A lot of things happened and thank God that I feel much better now. But I still have to bear with this things in my nose, Dr. Ricardo said that we can go home today but not sure what time. And this thing in my nose was scheduled to be removed next week, so Good Luck to me. For the meantime I still have to breath using my mouth.

Another thing I have to watch is the bills, huhu. I know that we'll really get a big bills in here but I'm wishing that the money we have would be enough. ಥ‿ಥ

Anyways, I just want to give a little update about what's going on here. I can't really use my phone for a long time so I have to rest now. Good Morning/Evening everyone!

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