“Writing is an act of discovering what you think and what you believe.”
-Dan Pink


Annyeonghaseyo chingu! (Hello friends!) I am Maya, and I am glad to be with you. I hope you support me by reading my thoughts and experiences in life. It’s my pleasure to start my journey here on Hive. But before anything else, I would like to acknowledge @ayane-chan and @agnola for introducing me in this platform. So, let's get started.


Again, Hello I am Maya, the only girl and the cutest member of our family, you don’t need to know how old I am, It’s a secret. Just kidding, I’m 21 years old and I am a third year college student and taking up Teacher Education Major in Filipino. I live in small town and home of Tinabuay Festival, Murcia Negros Occidental. My passion revolves around dancing, photography and editing. My hobbies are listening music, watching drama and doing make-up tutorials.

As you can see writing is not a part of my passion or hobby. Going back when I was a child, I love making fairy-tale and horror stories, but when time goes by I lost my interest in writing. Writing is not my hobby or passion, but this time I am ready to share with you what I am doing and what are my experiences in life.



Teacher Education as my Course.

We all know that being a teacher is not easy. A teacher plays an important role to the development of their students to become successful in the future. So, why did I choose this course? It is because I am happy to teach those students who persevere to learn. I want them to learn from me and I also want to learn from them. Honestly, my major now is not the major I want too, instead I want Major in Physical Education or P.E in short. But now, I accept what I have chosen and I love Filipino major too, the history, the language and different dialects and also our culture.


My Inspiration

Our Family is here when we are suffering. We are 5 in our family: My father, my mother, my older brother, me, and my younger brother. First, my father is a Security Guard and a Private driver at the same. My father’s name is Raul, he is 58 yrs old. Strong, kind, hard-working and loving father to us. He loves hunting, watching action movies and he love airsoft. Second, my mother is Mailah (Myla) her name was spelled like a name of a Muslim because of her Godfather. My mother is a housewife, she’s doing our breakfast, lunch and dinner, she is also a multitasking mother, she cook at the same she’s doing a laundry. She is 50 yrs old, a kind, loving, understanding and supportive mother.

Third, my 2 brothers, Louie Jay 22 years old and Lester 15 years old. My older brother is a Senior High Student, I know you wonder why he is Senior High and why I am in College, because he stopped Grade 9 and it’s been 3 years when he enrolled in ALS or Alternative Learning System, so when he graduated he can go to Senior High that’s why he is Senior High Student right now. He love singing and dancing, I hope I have a nice voice too, kidding aside. Lastly, my younger brother Lester, he is a Grade 10 student, he loves playing mobile games and he loves to workout. He is the matured one compare to our older brother. He have the perseverance to graduate and have a job to help our parents. Words can’t explain how lucky I am to have this family.

Proverbs 17:6, “Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.”

I also believe in the saying of Anaïs Nin, “ We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

You have reached the end. Thank you for reading my introduction. I am looking forward to meet new people and to write more. Have a nice day, everyone!

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