Call From a Friend

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I'm feeling helpless and disheartened as I sit by myself in my poorly lighted room. I feel as though my troubles are too much to handle, and I am filled with a sense of hopelessness. My phone starts to ring, and I notice that it's my friend calling.

How are you doing? my pal says in a kind manner.

I pause for a second, unsure of whether I should share my problems with my friend. But then I come to the conclusion that perhaps it's just what I need. I share everything that has been on my mind lately with my friend, pouring out my heart to her.

My friend carefully listens and offers encouraging and perceptive remarks. She. then give me a advice that I didn't anticipate.

Remember, I am your friend and this is my advise to you "You're stronger than you believe." "Don't lose up hope, and don't be afraid to seek for help when you need it. Sometimes, the hardships in life make us even stronger," she added.

I relate to my friend's remarks, and a sliver of optimism starts to appear inside of me. I appreciate my friend's support and the reminder that I'm not dealing with this situation alone.

I took a deep breath as I hung up the phone and felt a wave of clarity come over me. I know I still have a long way to go, but I am motivated to take the first step toward a brighter future.

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